Hurts Like Heaven

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After a lengthy and slightly uncomfortable ride back to the tour bus, Lauren's driver unceremoniously dumped her bags in front of the parked tour bus doors and without a goodbye he drove off, tyres kicking up dirt in their wake.

Lauren looked down at her bags and then over at the retreating Mercedes, glaring at the vehicle. 'Thanks for the help, not like I'm crippled or anything,' She grumbled.

Walking up to the bus doors she knocked with the side of her cast. When it became apparent that the bus was empty Lauren grappled with her bags and flung them through the (thankfully) unlocked door – seriously helpful but not very safe guys!

The bus was in the same disarray as it was when she left, if not maybe slightly messier. The upcoming end of their tour was looking more and more appealing with every day they had to spend in this junk yard.

As she pulled her bags through the kitchen, Lauren considered how odd it was to be back. She felt slightly disjointed but at ease all at the same time. It was home away from home, there was a sense of intimacy in the disorder, a familiarity with the chaos that was her life since Fifth Harmony began that she had missed when she was back in Miami.

When Lauren had finally unpacked, stored her bags and hunted down an iPhone charger (seriously those things were like gold dust on the bus), she decided to raid the refrigerator. It was as she was unscrewing the cap of a water bottle that the door opened and Camila's familiar voice yelled, 'I'm getting it now Dinah, Jesus!'

Lauren froze, watching as Camila stopped at the entryway, yelling over her shoulder at Dinah. Her hair fell in waves over her shoulders and the sun, bright behind her, backlit her spectacularly. She looked ethereal almost, angelic in a way that was only belied by the obscenities she was shouting to Dinah.

It felt like years, not weeks, since she had last laid eyes on the beautiful brunette and so Lauren soaked up the beautiful image in front of her whilst Camila was distracted by their Polynesian friend.

Dinah shouted something back in response and Camila replied with an offensive hand gesture –still unaware of Lauren's presence in front of her, as she took the remaining step onto the bus. The door slammed shut behind her just as Camila turned and their eyes met.

Lauren watched Camila's eyes widen and her lips part in shock.

'Hi.' Lauren breathed, waving the water bottle in her hand in and awkward greeting.

After the surprise seemed to dissipate, Camila blinked and whispered a Hi in reply.

Lauren knew she had a dopey looking smile on her face but she couldn't tamper it down, the longer that Camila stood there looking at her, without anger, or loathing, or resignation, the larger her grin became.

'You're back.'

'Yeah, I told you I would be back today.'

'I know it's just...weird, seeing you again'

'You look good,' Lauren complimented.

'You look-' Camila looked her up and down and Lauren tried no to blush, 'less bruised.'

Lauren laughed, 'I'm nearly good as new.' She held up her cast, 'Just need this thing off and I'll be doing handstands in no time.'

Camila nodded but seemed to be contemplating something, Lauren took a moment to be thankful that this meeting wasn't as uncomfortable as she was expecting it to be. Suddenly she surged forwards and wrapped her arms around Lauren in a tight hug.

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