"Eat baby, then we can take you home you must be hungry"

"Yeah now that you mention it I am" She says then takes my hand "I couldn't do anything to stop it"

"Shh" I could see tears were beginning to break free from her eyes

"It's ok, only time will tell if we can make babies"

She gave me a flat smile then looked down at Kaleb who was frowning at the both of us "Would you like Aimee to check for you after you've eaten?" She nods her head when we hear the door open to find Addison walking in with a tray of food

"Hey hun!" Addison walked over towards Jasmine as I helped her back to a seated position so the tray could be placed over her. Soon enough our alone time was short lived, not only did Addison come in but my family and hers did too.

"Did you get the other letter?" Jasmine asks looking from Aimee to me and back again. I nod my head "I knew I would lose the baby, I wasn't sure how but I tried to prevent it by playing into Carters hands but Kara changed that, she was unexpected, I couldn't stop it" I sigh and kiss her forehead

"I'm glad you're able to be open about how you feel" Aimee says sitting beside her "Now how do you feel? Here?" She was pushing lightly on her stomach.

"Fine, empty like I need more food" Everyone laughed shaking their heads "Don't you dare ask what was in that letter Addison" I looked up to Addison who had her mouth open "You were so going to ask"

Marcus and I laughed as Kaleb fell asleep beside his mum

"Everything seems to be ok, have soup or yoghurt, ice cream... Easy stuff for the next couple of days then get into solids but not normal werewolf diet sized plates until you feel you're ok" Aimee smiles "You can go home tonight if you like?"

Jasmine nods as she rubs her hand through Kalebs hair "I would like that" She turns to her mother and smiles who had sat there silently next to Nate "I will explain everything I know another day? I promise ma" Lily nods her head, walks over and kisses her on the top of her head "ok I'm ready to go"

I couldn't contain my happiness, I picked her up carrying her in my arms. She slapped me playfully on the chest "I need to walk Aiden" Everyone laughed as I mindlessly walked her out of the infirmary, Addison with Jasmines bag and Marcus carrying Kaleb

Pack members that walked passed, smile and wished their Luna a quick recovery. She smiled back and randomly turning to people saying things like 'I hope those kids have been going to trainings' or 'Shouldn't you be doing your homework'

A true mother of the pack. "Look at these pack warriors dad, it's like they haven't been given days off" We looked over at same of the warriors that live in the pack house with their families

"Baby girl, a pack warrior life is one of constant alert"

"Yeah I know that but give them a few days off to spend with their families, there's no threat right now, half now then half when the first lot come back yeah?" My Luna, so caring "You gotta take care of those that take care of us baby" She whispers in my ear "Now please let me walk"

"No" I continue to walk outside to our car and gently place her in the back, Kaleb squeezes in beside her and Addison beside him.

Marcus climbs in the front passenger seat and I turn to Nate and Lily "It's been one hell of a week, if it's ok with you to give me a couple days with her before I bring her around to explain everything to you" I rub the back of my neck "She is your eldest child and you have every right to be mad at how wrecklessly careless she seemed about her life but she's here now and that's all that matters"

Once Heartbroken (Wolf Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now