the day after my "realization" i felt so wrong and out of place at my bus stop. i was twitchy, stressed and decided to bring headphones and listen to my own music with benson slater beside me. my hatred towards the bus stop kept getting stronger and it got to the point where i didn't even want to be with benson. the fact that he would just sit there next to me silently pissed me off a lot more than it should've.

i knew that my feelings were irrational but it just kept getting worse. well, until one day benson wasn't at the bus stop. he wasn't at school either. i had never seen benson miss a single day of school. he wasn't there the next day, or the days and weeks after. i did everything i could to tell myself that his family just took him on vacation, or maybe he got really sick. i knew that i was in denial. that my third and final friend and the bus 21 stop on the corner of 4th & emery street was gone.

there was about a month and a half left until school was out and i would officially become a junior. i would beg my dad to drive me to school almost everyday. sometimes he would agree, but most days he would not. on some days when i was in a particularly bad mood i would wake up extra early and walk 45 minutes to school. i was a dramatic little high schooler and let it bother me so much more than it should've, and it destroyed me.

anyway, i decided to tell this little story because i am visiting my dad for thanksgiving. i had to run to the local grocery store to pick up marshmallows for the sweet potato casserole. as i was checking out i saw a blond boy that looked all too familiar. he smiled and waved at me, and it instantly clicked that the boy- well man, rather- was isaac mcfadden. he was also picking up some last minute food for his family's dinner. we hugged and chatted and i teared up a little from all the high school memories flooding my mind. i am now twenty-two years old. in most aspects, i am the same old jamie grey. but, i am stronger and smarter and in my opinion, i have learned how to cope with loss. people come and go, that is just how life works. everyone will lose someone in their life, it's inevitable. it is so important to know how to handle loss, and from personal experience i know how difficult it can be.


THIS WAS SO BAD but it's actually a decently long chapter. also this is 106% entirely made up & not based off of my life.

CAST (im going to cast the characters as adults, and i know that only isaac and jamie were in this as adults but im still going to cast hayden and benson.)

jamie grey as selena forrest

isaac mcfadden as lucas till (just imagine him w freckles okay)

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isaac mcfadden as lucas till (just imagine him w freckles okay)

isaac mcfadden as lucas till (just imagine him w freckles okay)

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benson slater as simon van meervenne

benson slater as simon van meervenne

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hayden maklin as miles teller

hayden maklin as miles teller

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jul 25, 2016 ⏰

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