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hello actually real life people. im so happy to be talking to you because i haven't talked to a full human being in nearly three months and before that it had been another four months and... the list goes on and on for nearly what four five years? i've lost count.

who was i talking to in those long interludes, you may ask. what do i mean by a full human you, may ask. am i crazy, you may ask. well on the third one, i've questioned that... alot! and i've come to the conclusion that, sadly, no, im not crazy. but anyways, the other questions will be answered in this story, shuld you choose to read it.

this is no scam, this is not a diary... kind of. i'm serious. you may have thought that werewolves didn't exist, you may think that they did. either way, you dont know the half of it.

so, read. and enjoy, be afraid, feel whatever emotion you want, boredom even i dont care. but this story will uncover a secret no one could have ever guessed. but beware, once you've read these secrets you will wonder at every thing you once thought you knew.

you might jump at shadows, stare at treelines, try to hold you breath underwater longer maybe, just as long as it doesn't result in death, be my guest. (note the sarcasm)

so as i said before read.

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