Chapter 6

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The rest of the week went by fairly quickly and soon, it was Friday. I woke up earlier than usual and decided that I'd braid my hair. I was in a pretty decent mood when the day started out, but that was quick to change. I walked downstairs to give my mom a kiss before she leaves for work, but when I walked into the kitchen, I noticed her sitting at the table with her head in her hands.

"Mom are you ok?" I asked, putting my hand on her shoulder. She jumped at the sound of my voice, looking up at me in surprise.

"Yes sweetie, I'm fin." She sent me a very unconvincing smile.

"What's wrong?" I asked, pulling out the seat next to her.

"We'll talk about it after school, you're going to be late."

"Just tell me now."

"No Kit, get to school. We'll talk later." She told me sternly.

"Ok Mom, I love you." I told her worriedly.

"I love you too." she said, kissing my cheek.

I started my walk to school, but the only thing on my mind was how upset my mom had been before I left. I was surprised to see how fast I had gotten to school. I honestly didn't want to go to school today. My anxiety was terrible at the moment due to how worried I was about to the conversation I was going to have with my mom.

I didn't go meet Rose by her car like usual, I went straight to my locker to gather my things for class. As I grabbed my books from my locker, I saw Grayson walking down the hall with Jayce. As he passed my locker, we made eye contact, but he quickly looked away. If I'm honest, I felt slightly disappointed that he didn't say hi to me, but I could have just as easily said hi, so I shouldn't really complain.

I very rarely got to see my mom upset and I'm not quite sure why her slightly off mood bothered me so much. At lunch I stayed on my phone for most of the time, which honestly isn't much different than every other day, but I could tell that Marie knew I was upset. My friends tried to include me in their conversations, but I was just too lost in my own thoughts to pay much attention.

"you okay Kit?" Marie ended up asking me during lunch.

"Yeah, I'm good." I lied, smiling the most convincing smile that I could manage.

"Don't lie to me." She told me sternly.

"I'm not Marie, chill." I told her even though I knew I was lying. I knew that I didn't have a great reason to be upset, but I was just nervous.

"If she wants to be an attention seeker, then let her Marie." Grayson said rudely.

What the heck. Is he being serious right now? We all turned to stare at him and he simply shrugged. I could feel my blood begin to boil. Everyone is entitled to feel however they want. I could feel my face heat up in humiliation and my anxiety getting worse. I quickly stood up and pushed my chair in, sending Marie a fake smile.

"Kit wait, he-" I didn't listen to the rest of Rose's sentence as I left the cafeteria and made my way towards my locker.

Just because someone is having a bad day doesn't make them an "attention seeker." I honestly don't know why what Grayson said upset me so much. I was probably wrong to think he was my friend. He made me feel nice and safe when he was being nice around me, but like absolute shit when he said anything even remotely mean. I wish I wasn't so easily affect by him, or by anyone else for that matter.

I made it through the rest of the day with very minimal conversations. Maybe Grayson was right, maybe I am being a bit overdramatic. Thankfully school was over fairly quickly and I began walking home. I am honestly so ready for the weekend. School is without a doubt the worst part of being a child, in my opinion anyways.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2016 ⏰

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