Chapter 1

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I groaned as Travis, my mother's boyfriend, attempted to get me out of bed.

"Kit, it's time to get up." He said for the billionth time, while shaking my shoulder.

"why?" I mumbled into my pillow, not sure if he could even comprehend what I was saying.

"We're going to the mall, you need to buy clothes for school." Well this is just great. Yet another person that feels the need to remind me that school will, in fact, be starting soon.

"Fine, leave then so I can get ready." I grumbled after sitting up. He smiled at me before exiting my room, shutting the door behind him. Travis was the closest thing I had to a father figure. My real father walked out on me when I was 9, but I'm 16 now so that doesn't really matter anymore.

I quickly took a shower and changed into black skinny jeans, a baggy black t-shirt, and my high top vans. I left my hair natural and decided it's time to head downstairs.

"Kit, eat your breakfast so we can go." my mother demanded.

"Well good morning to you too." I mumbled back sarcastically. " Mom I can seriously go get clothes by myself, I don't need you to take me." I added

"No, absolutely not. You and I both know the kind of clothes you'll buy." She scolded.

"There's nothing wrong with my clothes mom." I responded, kind of annoyed.

After several minutes of arguing, she finally agreed to let me go by myself with a few compromises. I hopped into my mom's red jeep and made my way to the mall, while blasting music the whole way. The day was overall uneventful. The worse part was having to pick out a dress, since I promised my mom I would, as a part of our compromise. Thankfully I finished shopping quickly and made my way back home to binge watch "Orange Is The New Black."

I was halfway through the first episode of the second season when my best friend, Rose, texted me, asking if we could hangout. I obviously told her of course and waited for her to come watch "OITNB" with me. I was in the middle of shoveling a spoon full of ice cream into my mouth when Rose flung the door open and plopped down next to me on my bed.

"Kiiiit" Rose said in a sing song voice, dragging my name out longer than necessary.

"Shh The next episode is starting." I told her, while trying to get her to stop whining.

"Kit. Kit. Kit." She had basically started chanting by now.

"What?! What do you need Rose?" I asked after taking time to pause my show.

"Remember my brother?" She asked, looking at me."Well he's moving back." She said before giving me time to answer her previous question.

"Your douche bag brother?" I snorted, "Grayson?" I continued.

"Yup, the very one." Rose replied.

"Oh Joy" I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"But it sucks for you because you have to live with him." I continued while laughing, playfully sticking my tongue out at her.

"oh, but I'm sure you'll be seeing him around school." she responded, amusement clear on her features.

'Ugh. Hasn't he graduated yet?" I asked, very annoyed.

"Kit, he's only a grade above us." she mentioned, "he's graduating this year." she continued.

"How wonderful. Now stop talking about your god awful brother so I can finish this episode." I told her, turning my attention back to the TV. The idea of Grayson coming back was nagging at the back of my mind for the remainder of the day. Hopefully I won't have to deal with him.

A/N hey! this is the first chapter to 'What Is Love?' It's kind of boring, but it gets better, I promise. Thank you for taking the time to read my story, it is very much appreciated.

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