Chapter 5

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You woke up the next day to the howling of the train's horn and you guessed it must have been planned. The moment after, you heard Evie and Agnes having a laugh in the other wagon. You hurried and took your clothes on so you could join them for some breakfast.

"What's so funny?" You said as you sat down at the table and grabbed some bread and butter.

"My brother is having a hangover this morning and I convinced Agnes here to tease him a little." Evie said giggling. You looked at her kind of in shock. Evie was the serious one of the twin, but apparently she liked pulling pranks on her brother as much as he does to her. But thinking about her brother only made you frown. The events from the day before only made you want to hold that train horn in and try to make his head explode.

"Just let him sleep until I'm gone, will you?" You were going to the asylum and stop whatever that Dr. Elliotson was testing off on his poor patients.

"Oh yeah, I thought I heard him mumble something about you preforming on stage, but he was too drunk to understand so I didn't really pay attention to what he said." Evie rolled her eyes before sipping on a cup of tea that had been standing very unsafely on the table, now that you were on a bumping moving train. It was impossible not to spill anything. You pleased yourself lucky that you were not the one to clean the pub wagon.

"He walked into out rehearsal yesterday. He almost gave me away and harmed one of my co-actors by throwing him to the ground." As I said it Evie stopped sipping her tea and looked at me with a harsh expression.

"Are you serious?"

"Indeed I am. Later at the platform I found out he was piss drunk, but that is no excuse!" You said as calm as possible. Evie was frowning now as well and hided her face in her palm.

"I am so sorry y/n. I'll have a chat with him later about it." She said apologetically.

"Talk with whom about what?" You suddenly heard behind you. You all turned around to see a half-dressed Jacob holding his hand to his head like he was afraid it would fall off any time. As he entered the wagon and sat down across from you, you got up at the same second and started to leave.

"I'll go take a look at the asylum, Evie. See you tonight, Agnes." You said as you walked out.

"Hey!" You heard Jacob call out behind you. You rolled your eyes and turned around to see him struggling to get up from the wooden chair again.


"I was supposed to go with you!" He said like you had insulted him.

"I had hoped that when you finally were capable to speak clear again you would give me an apology!" You said and snorted at him.

"An apology for what?" He said which made you take two quick steps towards him, ready to cut throats but Evie stood up and stopped you before you could do anything. Jacob actually looked shocked, that little rat!

"I'll talk with him, okay? You go to the asylum and take down Dr. Elliotson." Evie said calmly. You closed your eyes for a second to calm your nerves before you put on your hood and jump off the train.


There was a lot of life on the old asylum. You scanned the area outside from the bushes before and found an open window at one of the top floors so you started to climb the walls as silent as you could before the guards that was walking around came your way again. You finally swung the leg onto the roof and sat there for a few second to find out how many men was around you and under you. It looked like the open window was clear so you swung down on the other side of the building and jumped inside the window. It looked like you were a the attic but you could see all the way down to the bottom floor were a nurse was standing and was nocking violently on the door. Something seemed odd. Why would a lady working here, try to escape the place? You climbed down the wall and landed behind the nurse. She turned around by the sound and stepped back. As a reflex you pulled down the hood, so she couldn't see your face.

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