2. "Who the hell are you?"

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Chapter two.

Sandra makes good food. Fact. She could- no, should have been a cook, but life had different ideas. I watch her as she creates the meal with undeniable excellence. She tosses the stir fry so effortlessly, she makes it look as if a three year old could do it. She's singing Hey Jude by The Beatles as she cooks and I can't help smiling watching her.

Ten months ago Sandra thought her life was on track. She was prepared to go to college, to study the thing she loved, to learn the most intricate versions of cooking.

Ten months ago she wasn't pregnant.

"Alright Bells, plate up!", Sandra smiles, putting the wok on the table mat as Bella lays out three plates. I've been told I smile like Sandra, I consider this a compliment because my aunt has a gorgeous smile, really.

"Tuck in!" Sandra exclaims.

"Gladly." I mutter.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"I don't want to go home!" Bella whines.

"I'm sorry, love, but you have to. Don't you want to meet your new neighbours?"

"No", Bella and I chorus, looking at each other and giggling.

"Sorry guys, but your mum was quite strict about this, maybe you can come over another day?" Sandra looks at me pointedly, as if to tell me to go along with it.

"Alright Auntie! That would be great!" I say over enthusiastically, grinning brightly. Sandra digs me in the ribs with her elbow. "Come on, Bells, here's your school bag", I say, handing it to her. We trudge out to Sandra's car.

The journey takes little under ten minutes and soon we're passing the house next door to mine, I see that the new people have moved in a lot of their furniture. I can't remember being told about them moving in, but knowing me, I've probably been told.

I run my fingers through my wavy, red hair as I'm walking up the path to the door, attempting to brush out the inevitable knots but it probably won't make much difference. I drop my bag inside the door. Before I get the chance to open the sitting room door, my mother opens it.

"Darling", she says, gathering me in an embrace. "Did you have a good day?"

I push her away from me, trying to be as un-obvious as possible. "Hello mother," I smile sweetly, "I had a great day!" I stare at her, still smiling.

She looks away, her face falling and I redirect my gaze to the couch where our new neighbours are sitting, there's couple, I'm guessing in their forties. I smile politely and greet them. Bella skips into the room, her brown ringlets bouncing as her feet hit the floor. She hugs our mother tightly then plops down on the sofa with a 'poof'.

"Hi," I say, holding out my hand to shake the man's hand, "my name is Lilli."

The man nods politely, "I'm Martin, and this is my wife, Susan." We shake hands and I try my best to smile.

"Our son is in your bathroom, you'd be around the same age." Susan mentions in a strong Australian accent.

"Are you sitting down, Lilli?", my mother asks. I mumble something about doing my homework and slip out of the room. I can't stand my mother's insufferable gossip.

I fix my eyes to the floor as I'm running up the stairs, I've fallen too many times before. I'm near the top of the stairs when I run what seems like a brick wall. I yelp as I'm falling back but someone has a tight grip on my arm and stops me from falling.

"Woah there!" a male voice says in an thick australian accent as I'm trying to stop my head from spinning.

"Thanks," I murmur, I look up and almost fall again. In front of me is a fucking god. Seriously. He's about six foot tall, making my measly five foot four look pathetic. He's devastatingly gorgeous. His skin is tanned, although most people are tanned compared to me. His dark hair is in an effortlessly perfect mess. He has grey-blue eyes with thick black brows hovering above them.

Drop. Dead. Gorgeous. Shame about that boyfriend, Lil.

"Who the hell are you?" I say, not meaning to talk so distastefully.

Shut up Lilli.

He frowns, "Is that how you greet all your guests?"

I try to soften my face but I'm sure it just looks like an awkward grimace, I sigh, "Um, sorry. Hi."

"That's better. Hi, I'm Hunter." he says, smiling crookedly. Although the way he says it, it sounds like he's saying Hunta.

"You mean Hun-ter."

Shut up Lilli!

He scrunches his eyebrows together, "Yeah, that's what I said, Hunter."

"No- I mean, um, I'm Lilli."

"Well, hello Lilli. I'm your new neighbour."

My jaw drops and I arch an eyebrow, making a strange noise.

"You? My new neighbour?"

"Don't look too happy, darlin'," He lets out a laugh, showing a perfect set of gnashers.

Wow. What a smile.

"Um," I clear my throat, "can I get past please?" I say, edging up the step trying to get past him.

He looks taken aback as he moves aside. I scurry up the stairs and into my room. Forgetting to swing the door shut behind me, I collapse on my bed, sighing.

"What's up?"

"Jesus Christ! What the fuck are you at?" I yelp, sitting up quickly.

"My parents and your mum are talking about curtains. I thought you might be more interesting."

"That doesn't give you a right to walk into my room!" I say shrilly.

"Sorry, darlin', you ran away too quickly for me to ask you."

"Don't call me darling."

He chuckles lightly, "You should feel honoured, darlin".

"You're not making a very good first impression, you know." I state, sharply.

He runs his hand through his almost black hair, I can't help looking at his bicep bulging through the sleeve of his tshirt.

Oh lord. Are you a fucking angel or something?

"Can we start over?" he asks, flashing me his dazzling smile.

I sigh, "Hi, my name's Lilli, what's yours?"I feel my lips curve up slightly.

"Hey, I'm. . . . ." He pauses, apparently thinking, "Hun-ter", he smiles, obviously happy with himself. I snort.

"Where are you from?" I ask.


"No shit."

"I'm from near Melbourne."

"You're so tanned." I blurt out, staring at his arms.

"That's fair enough, coming from a ghost." He says, chuckling.

He has such a nice laugh.

"Piss off." I scowl, he chuckles again.

He sits down on the bed beside me and my heart flutters at his closeness. Sitting down, he still seems to tower above me. I move aside guiltily, thinking I shouldn't be so close to another guy, especially such an attractive one.

"Let's be friends, Lilli," he says, more saying than actually asking.

"Maybe, Hunter," I smirk deviously.

Smooth, Lilli. Smooth.



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