Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Louis thought, inexplicably, of the first time he and Harry had kissed. How he, drunk off booze and the taste of the other boy’s mouth, had pulled away as they were moving towards his bedroom and had questioned the whole ‘hookers and kissing thing’. He remembered how Harry had laughed against his lips, the sound reverberating deep in Louis’ chest, and then had done something with his tongue that had him groaning and losing all sense of coherency.

It hadn’t been that long ago and yet the feel of Harry’s full lips against his own and the way those long fingers held his head in place felt entirely new. Harry wasn’t soft or gentle or hesitant in the way that he kissed Louis; he licked at Louis’ mouth with intent, pressing eagerly against him and moving his fingers from where they cradled the base of Louis’ skull down to his lower back and under his jumper, clutching at the heated skin there. He kissed him like he was terrified if he stopped, Louis would push him away.

Louis, on his part, could do nothing but make a muffled noise of surprise and then let Harry take complete control, his heart pounding in his ears and arms hanging limply at his sides, staring at the other boy’s closed lids. It wasn’t registering that what he’d wanted, dreamt about for weeks, was actually happening. Harry pressed their lips together even more forcefully, insistently, waiting for him to respond, but Louis’ mind was racing with questions and jumbled thoughts and he only continued to stand there, struck dumb. The other boy seemed to realise Louis’ lack of enthusiasm and chose to take a different method; his movements gentled and he pressed closer, the kiss turning slow and languid. He began rubbing soft circles against Louis’ hip with the pads of his fingers and then he curled his tongue around Louis’ own. Louis’ mind went completely blank at the sensation, heat pooling low in his stomach and a shiver running down his spine. It didn’t matter that Louis had next to no experience being with a guy, or that he was trembling slightly with nerves and confusion; all he knew in that moment was sudden and blinding want.

Louis began to return the kiss with just as much fervour. Harry made a low noise of approval and then he was walking them backwards into the flat, slamming the door behind him. Louis grabbed onto Harry’s shoulders to steady himself and somehow ended up with his arms wrapped around the other boy’s neck, hands buried in that thick, dark hair as a sense of urgency rose up between them and they fell onto the couch without breaking apart, their legs tangling together.

Harry scratched blunt nails down Louis’ sides and he practically growled, yanking Harry’s head closer to his and pressing heated, bruising kisses to his mouth, sucking on his tongue and tugging on his hair. He didn’t have to be careful with the other boy; Harry was all vibrating energy and eagerness, pushing his hips against Louis’ and grinding down hard.

Louis made a noise of protest when Harry pulled away suddenly, but then realised he was pulling off his shirt followed by Louis’ own and he got on board very quickly. Harry dived back down to place hot, wet kisses just under Louis’ jaw and Louis groaned a little, tilting his head up to give the other boy better access to the skin there. Harry trailed a path with his tongue and his teeth from Louis’ jaw to his collarbone and back up again, other hand traveling over his chest. 

Louis was already painfully hard, pressing his hips up against Harry’s invitingly; he might have been a bit embarrassed about his enthusiasm if he hadn’t been celibate for three weeks and too desperate for it to think straight. Harry’s hands were stroking the skin just above the cut of his pants as his lips moved back to Louis’ and Louis was trembling, all of the blood in his body was rushing downwards, his heart hammering. He kissed him back forcefully, their tongues battling for dominance until Louis was panting into his mouth and Harry was pulling away to yank down Louis’ sweats in one smooth movement. 

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