For Angels to Fly (Larry Stylinson Fanfic)

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So this story was requested by somebody so I decided to go on Tumblr and get it!



Chapter 1

Louis was very, very drunk. He wasn’t quite sure how he had gotten to that point but he could vaguely recall Zayn shoving multiple shots of bourbon his way and he supposed that it’d make total sense that he’d be so sloshed; he’d always been sort of a light weight. He was at the point where he could barely see straight and his hands were numb but he was laughing and the music was pounding through his blood and there was a girl with her arms wrapped around his waist and she smelled so nice

It wasn’t very often that Louis and Zayn actually went out; usually they’d just get drunk at one of their shitty apartments and argue about whether Megan Fox or Emma Watson was hotter and then pass out on the floor with the TV still on.

It worked out that Louis was usually too broke to go out, but Zayn had been going stir crazy after breaking it off with his second fling of the month and claimed that he needed a night out to ‘get it out of his system’. Louis had reluctantly agreed after his friend had persisted for the better part of the week and so, despite having piles of homework waiting for him back at his flat, they ended up in a part of town that neither had been before. The club was small and a bit dodgy but the music was decent and the drinks were cheap and Louis got so completely caught up in the atmosphere of it and it felt so good to just forget about all the stress of uni and bills, at least for one night.

Despite his hazy vision and the multitude of bodies pressing up against him, all pulsing to the same beat, he could make out Zayn dancing, a blissed out smile on his face and a pretty girl wrapped around him. Louis laughed and the girl he was dancing with gave him a quizzical look, but he only laughed again and shook his head. She flashed him a quick grin, all white teeth and long blonde hair and golden limbs. She was interested, he could see that in the glint in those doe eyes and the way she trailed her nails up and down the length of his back, but for the life of him he couldn’t quite muster up enough enthusiasm to actually lean down and whisper an invitation back to his place in her ear. He couldn’t fathom why that would be the case; it had fucking been long enough. It had to be the alcohol. Louis was just far too drunk to pull it together.

With that thought he made a quick decision and pulled away from the girl, untangling their limbs and smiling apologetically. She looked confused but shrugged and turned back to her group of friends.

Louis made his way through the crowd to Zayn, who only gave him a ‘piss off’ gesture with his hands behind the girl’s back at the interruption. Louis laughed and mouthed a goodbye. It was all suddenly a bit much for his first time out in months. Too sweaty and crowded, his blood too hot and his heart pounding too hard. He made his way over to the entrance of the club with only a minimal amount of stumbling, nodding once to the bouncers before reaching the sidewalk.

As soon as his feet hit the pavement he took a deep breath of the cool night air, sobering after the humidity of the club and the press of bodies. He stuck a hand in his pocket and checked for all the essentials; wallet, keys, phone. He wandered along the sidewalk before leaning against the side of the building, slumping slightly and pressing clumsy fingers against the key pad of his phone.

ur a dick ;) have fun love u honey bun xxx

Louis hit the send button and just stood there for a moment, letting the cool air go straight to his head, clearing his alcohol-soaked brain somewhat. His phone buzzed in his hand - Zayn had written a simple ‘fuck off x’ in reply to his message. He laughed loudly, closing his eyes for a moment before glancing over to the street.

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