The next morning, Mabel was instructed to fetch the daily mail outside. As she opened the door, she suddenly stepped the edge of the two tier (flavor) flavored cake by her rainbow- designed socks.

"What? Ew!" She whined. But when she realized that it's a cake, she gasped. "What the?" Mabel read the text in the cake.

Happy 6th Friendshipversary, Dippingsauce! :) May our friendship last forever!

From your best friend, (N/N)

After she read it, she gasped more loudly, as her mother asked her, walking to the doorframe where Mabel's at. "What's wrong, sweetie?" Mrs. Pines also read the text.

"Wow, it's already 6 years?"

"Mom, that's not the point! Maybe Dipper  didn't came last night!" Mabel exclaimed. She quickly ran upstairs, entering at her and his brother's room immediately. She brought the cake. It was heavy, though, but she managed.

"DIPPER PINES!" She shouted, eventually waking him up.

"What, what?!" He frantically sat up. "What now, Mabel? I haven't got any sleep last night from the movie. You know I went home 11 pm last night!" Dipper ranted, still sleep-deprived.

"Well, YOU SURE DIDN'T FORGOT YOU AND Y/N'S FRIENDSHIPVERSARY!!" She yelled sarcastically at his stupid brother. "YOU COMPLETELY LEFT HER THERE JUST TO GO WITH YOUR NEW FRIEND AT THE MOVIES!" She placed the cake on his bed.

Dipper saw the cake and immediately his eyes widened. "Crap."

"Yeah, crap."

A voice suddenly interrupted their argument. "Hey, don't swear, you two!"

Dipper and Mabel glanced at their closed door.

"Now. Go change and apologize to your best friend. You need to make up for Y/N from waiting on you." She demanded. Dipper quickly changed into his attire and ran downstairs, lifting the cake and immediately to the front door. Mabel explained the whole thing to their parents.

Dipper ran and ran, sweat beading on his forehead. He was breathing heavily, heart beating faster than ever. He was almost to your house.

It was the weekend, which means your parents were alone that time. He finally reached it, knocking on the door afterwards.

Dipper heard a person trudging down the steps of the stairs before someone opened it.

He saw you. You were wearing your outfit last night and your hair was messy. Your face was recently wet from crying your heart out last night. You didn't bother to clean yourself.

And you didn't bother to see the person in front of you right now.

"Y/N, I--"

You cut his sentence off by slamming the door. Before you went up the stairs again, there was that knock again.

You opened the door again, seeing his face pathetic face. "Listen, Y/N. I-I-I'm so, so sorry for last night. I'm sorry that I ditched you and forgot our friendship anniversary--"


"Right. Friendshipversary. Just-- I'm really, really sorry for leaving you alone." He finished.

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