
"B*tch" We turned to Joshua, Jun and Vernon but then we looked at the floor again.

"Haaa....Why did you guys looked so pale and unenergetic like always? Eeww..What with all these messed?" she started annoying.."NOONA!! SHUT UP YOUR MOUTH AND JUST STAY AWAY FROM US!!" Seungcheol scolded after that b*tch started make a back hugged..

"What? You said like that to me? Do you still remember who am I? I am your makeup designer!!" she being sassy that I can tell she can beat our Diva Boo.

"Whatever you are, we don't care. Because you didn't do your work and just do whatever you want. If you dare to disturb our team, I will make a report to Sajangnim " Mingyu said as he hold Seungcheol from being explode.

"Whatever! Anyway,don't you guys just serve me right then that pitiful ugly Sarang? By the way,where is she?"

"Right!! Sarang!!" Seungcheol started searching for Sarang and all of us started walking around the building..but she doesn't here."Don't you think that she is the one who make all of this?" Jae In said and we looked at her.."What did you mean?" Wonwoo asked.

"You know,I found her being here alone.."

"That is because we leave her for rehearsal and she have a dance practice" I said and tried to hold my fist because she talking a nonsense thing.

"But she just leave this studio without lock it" I stopped and tried to hear i clearly..Is it true?

"What?"Seungcheol stepped forward.

"You know,I saw her before she went out"

"That's nonsense"Dokyum said and we nodded."She will not do that"

"But she also entered Jihoon's room" I feel like the the times was stopped for awhile


Then someone entered the studio..I started to imagine a weird thing and feel like she is the one who did this. I mean she is the only one who the last person inside this studio.


"ANNYEONG!! HYUNG!! YOU GUYS BACK!!" but they just static there with serious face that I totally don't like it..They stared at me like I killed someone.."Mwoya...Did something wrong?" I looked around and the studio totally messed.."Hyung!! What's going on here"

"SARANG!! TELL ME THE TRUTH!!" Jihoon raised his voice at me

"Truth? About what?"

"Just tell us betrayer!!" Seungkwan said and his face turned all red because he get angry.

"WHAT THE HELL YOU SAID? HELLO!! YOU ARE YOU CALLING ME A BETRAYER" I can't believe that he said that to me.

"STOP IT!! I KNOW THAT I SHOULDN'T TRUST YOU!!" Jihoon scolded me and make my heart torn into a small piece.."Okay, lets make it clearly,what is this about?" I tried to make him cooled down.

"Just tell us the truth b*tch!!" What the hell is this b*tch suddenly disturb us?

"Just f*ck off you from here!!" I said and that make everyone gasped but then I concentrate on Woozi..

"Just admit it that you is the only one who in this studio right?"the b*tch spoke up.

"Yeah but Oppa,whatever it is..Just hear my explanat--"


"But oppa--" then he raised his hand and looked at the other way."Stop it..I don't want to listen to you..Just get out from here..I don't want to see your face.."

"But Jihoon-ah can we at least listen to her?" Hoshi blocked him but Jihoon pushed him away."Stop it hyung..Or I will hate you to like that F*cking b*tch that totally a fox behind a mask"

That words make me more in pain and I can hold it anymore...I looked at Seungcheol,who I always belief on him,he looked angry and hate me..I looked at the others and their face totally in confuse while that bitch , smirking with a victory face..I know that is her work "YOU SUCH A ROTTEN B*TCH!!!" I stomping to her but Seungcheol blocked me and grabbed my wrist roughly,then brought me to the outside..He pushed me harder.."Just get out from here" as he finished his word,which is such a sharp knife that stabbed me repeatedly,then he went inside the studio without looking at me back.

I walked towards the window and knocked it repeatedly,wishing that someone while at least want to hear my explanation,but then Seungcheol said "Whoever tried to help her..I'll never forgive him" then they just pretend that I am invisible..

Its getting more worse when its raining heavily and now is 11.00 p.m.I looked at them blankly and started running without no else and I don't know where am I..All my clothes are soaked and my body fully wet with cold weather because it is winter.I stopped at the bench in Han River Park and crying loudly as there is no one in the park now because it is raining.



I will hate you to like that F*cking b**ch that totally a fox behind a mask

His words keep repeating inside my mind and my voice became more louder.He just confessed to me this morning but now he hate me!! I feel like I had been killed for many times because of taht word..Its really pain..Totally pain..

I kept crying until I feel head feel like a ton of a rock on my head and my eyes had been swollen because I cried for how many minutes.Then a stranger came close to me with an umbrella,avoided me and him from the rain..I didn't looked up "Just go away from here"

Then my body froze and all turned black "Sarang? SARANG?!!"

1 Girl Who Make 13 Boys Fall In Love [Unedited]Where stories live. Discover now