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Dear The One That Got Away (TOTGA),

I really really really love coffees.
The kind of coffee that keeps you up all night.
The kind of coffee that makes your face scrunched up with bitterness.
The kind of coffee that heightens your nervousness.
The kind of coffee that smells too strong for everyone's liking.
The kind of coffee everybody hates with the first sip but ends up loving with the rest of the sip remaining in the cup.
I love that kind of coffee, because it reminds me that life doesn't just come with sweet spices but also with bitterness.

But then maybe that's why I fell in love with you.

Because you're exactly the opposite type of coffee I'd prefer every morning.
You're the kind of coffee that leaves a lingering taste on my lips with its sweetness.
Yet you still manage to keep me wide awake, even longer than my type of coffee.
You're the kind of coffee that's better if its ice cold.
And still you make my heart beat in a very abnormal manner.
You're the kind of coffee that has an extra shot of whip cream on top.
And yet, I end up loving every sip starting from the very first.
You're the kind of coffee that lures everyone because of its aroma.
And even I, couldn't get enough of your smell.

In a short period of time, I got addicted with you, my new found coffee.
You're everything I didn't get used to drinking.
You're sweet instead of bitter and I didn't know I liked sweets until I tasted it.
I didn't know I'd prefer sweetness until you're served on my life.
You're cold instead of hot and I didn't know coffees can be served cold.
I thought I wouldn't like your coldness, but now I love every inch of it.
You have an extra shot of whip cream instead of just the steam of smell of the newly poured coffee and I thought it was weird.
I didn't know it'll make the coffee more worthy, but it did and I couldn't get enough of you.

But suddenly you're not sweet nor bitter.
You're not cold nor hot.
There's no extra shot of whip cream nor steam of newly poured coffee.
You're neither of what I used to love and what I began to fall in love with.
And it's so frustrating, because I wanted more of you, more of your coldness and sweetness.
I wanted more of your ability in keeping me really wide awake with anxiousness.
I wanted more of your extra shots of madness, of craziness, of love and of you.

But I couldn't afford to get a chance of you and so I'm back to drinking my old loved coffee.
And I love it even more now, because it kind of keeps me awake with the bittersweet reality of us.


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