Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

The pair still continued in their dance. Miss Fairfax's smile had thawed and Philip's eyes were only on her. For the rest of the set, all remained right in the world.

Many, many months ago, Lady Dryden absolutely insisted upon enriching her acquaintance with her husband's mistress. She promised to call, promised to have Olivia for tea, promised to host a dinner party, yet none of these plans ever came to fruition.

Three days after the Sheridan ball, Miss Fairfax received another such missive, written in Cecily's now familiar hand. The countess invited her to a picnic lunch upon the Serpentine that very day.

Olivia penned a hurried reply, mindful of the time. She had only a few hours until the appointment, which meant she would soon have to submit herself to Hannah's ministrations. Finishing her breakfast, only partly curious as to the whereabouts of her lover, Miss Fairfax retired to her room.

Her abigail joined her minutes later, hands on her hips. "I must truss you up nicely, Miss Fairfax. Lunch with your lover's wife! How modern!" She bustled about the area, digging through her wardrobe and trunks.

The governess laid upon her chaise lounge. "Did Lord Dryden leave very early this morning?"

Hannah kept her back turned to Olivia. She held up stockings before her, eyeing the state of them. "If downstairs gossip is to be believed, he never came home."

She allowed herself an unconvincing giggle. "And it must. Servants know so much." Olivia covered her eyes with a hand. Life seemed so much easier when she was merely managing the twins and their education. In fact, she decided at that moment to return a week earlier from another of her "trips" with the mysteries Miss Smith.

"I shall be returning to the Baynes tomorrow, Hannah, if you would be so kind as to prepare my traveling case."

"I did so this morning, Miss."

"Of course you did. You know me better than I know myself." Olivia pushed back the sadness. It crept into her daily life as quietly as the happiness had slipped away. Sadness founds its mate in loneliness, which left Olivia at a loss. She loved Philip, did she not? What remained to be seen is if he shared the sentiment any longer.

She hated how quick both her mind and heart doubted his words. He was an earl, as Linville had once pointed out, he had an innumerable amount of business to which to attend. She, a mere orphaned governess, had no idea. Even so, Lord Baynes always made time for his children and his wife.

At what point did these claims of busyness stop and his desire to not seek her company begin?

"Well, what am I wearing today?"


Her mistress wrinkled her nose. She disliked the shade, yet owned a few dresses in it. In Olivia's opinion, the colour did not complement her dusky complexion.

"Very well, Hannah. This is your livelihood; I will take your recommendation."

"As you should, Miss," answered the maid. Oliva withdrew to the large copper bath where steam curled from the surface. Hannah pulled out the rest of the pieces of her ensemble as she scrubbed herself.

The mindlessness of the task soothed her troubles. She finished in record time and climbed from the tub. She slid on a new pair of silk stockings, securing them over her olive thighs with garters. Hannah handed over her sleeveless chemise before helping her lace up her half stays. Olivia stayed quiet as Hannah completed her tasks.

She held out her arms where needed, titled her head up and down and every which way as Hannah brushed and styled her hair. The maid hummed some unfamiliar country ditty. They both tapped their feet to the beat and Olivia even found herself laughing as Hannah song the brazen lyrics.

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