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I looked at Taehyung concerned and I guess Taehyung could tell I was worried and turned to Dohyun. "I'm not doing this Dohyun and you can't make me" he says and Dohyun smirked. 

"You think you have a say in it Tae?" He asks and both of us staid quiet. 

"You don't have anything on me!" Taehyung protests and Dohyun chuckled under his breath. 

"Just because I don't have any dirt on you doesn't mean I can't make your life a living hell." Dohyun explains and I could see Taehyung swallow, hard. 

He looked at me like he was sorry and I looked away so I wasn't facing him. I don't want to do it with Taehyung like this...I don't even think I'm ready to do anything with him at all! 

"Dohyun please don't make me do this..." I say in a quiet tone, not looking at him but talking to him. 

"What was that Hoseok, I couldn't hear what you said." He asks, walking up to me and grabbing me by my hair, looking into my eyes. 

I had tears in my eyes, they were ready to pour down my cheeks any second now and he smirked. "Someone really did a number on you yesterday, huh?" He asks, observing my face. I guess since he was grabbing me by my hair he could see the cut that ran across my forehead that I tried covering with my bangs. 

I  tried nodding meaning yes while he still had a hold of my hair and he asks "who was it, I'd like to know someone who can throw a punch like this" he says in a chuckle, referring to my black eye.

Of course I couldn't tell him who it really was so I didn't say anything but he was expecting an answer. "Are you going to tell me or not?" He asks, still holding onto my hair but as he got angrier his grip got tighter. 

"I-I don't know who they were. I was walking home and they jumped me yesterday" I explain in a lie. Once explaining that Dohyun sighed, letting go of my hair and shutting off his video camera. 

"Is he considering not filming us?" I thought to myself, watching him put his video camera inside his bag. 

Dohyun waved his hand sideways and with that everyone else who was behind him left the room, leaving Taehyung, Dohyun and myself in the room alone together. 

The room was silent for a minute or so with all of us looking at each other but Dohyun groaned loudly to break the silence. "Tae, if you don't do anything to Hoseok, I'll do something to him and you don't want that" he asks in a smirk.

"Like you would, you're not gay." 

"Oh and you are?" He asks, raising one eyebrow with the same smirk on his face and Taehyung staid quiet. 

"I can already tell you two are going out, so why not make a video of you two doing it, even if it is by force?" Dohyun asks and Taehyung shook his head meaning no. 

"I love my girlfriend Areum, Dohyun I don't know what you're talking about." Taehyung protests which hurt my heart and I looked down. 

"So you're straight?" Dohyun asks, he asked it in a tone of voice like he didn't believe a word Taehyung had said but was going along with it anyway. 

"Yeah, I am so I don't want to do it with a guy!" Taehyung says, continuing to stand his ground.

"Fine, then I'll do something with Hoseok" he says, pushing Taehyung to a side and sitting on the bed himself. 

"Y-You're gay Dohyun?!" Taehyung asks, looking at Dohyun surprised and I would be lying if I said I wasn't shocked myself. 

"Have you not heard about  bisexuality?" Dohyun asks and Taehyung staid quiet. 

I looked at Taehyung and scooted myself away from Dohyun onto the bed, looking at him with my eyes shaking. Before I could even move any farther, Dohyun pinned me onto the bed with his knee in between my thighs, riding up to my crotch.

I looked at him into his eyes and he looked back at me with a serious expression on his face. In all honesty I was getting a bit flustered. 

He looked at me and then started to laugh, getting off of me and saying "you really think I'm bisexual, nah man I like women. You two can do your own gay stuff" Dohyun explains and I staid there laying on the bed while Dohyun took his backpack and left the room.

Once Dohyun left the room an awkward silence roamed for two seconds before Taehyung got up and sat on the bed. "I'm sorry Hoseok" he whispered in case Dohyun was listening to us through the door which he most likely wasn't. 

"Why're you saying you're sorry?" I ask like I wasn't hurt by anything he said, but in reality I was. 

"I'm sorry for mentioning Areum, I know I said I'd break up with her to go out with you. You probably hate it when I bring up her name around you, right?" He asks and I was a bit surprised, it was like he could read my mind. 

I tried hiding my surprised expression two seconds after I let it show and cleared my throat before saying "I don't care if you mention her or not. You're still going out with her at the moment. You're both still boyfriend and girlfriend, right?" I ask, turning my head to Taehyung and he looked back at me seriously. I could tell in his eyes he didn't want to answer me but I continued to look at him, waiting for a reply.

"I'm breaking up with her tomorrow Hoseok, you don't have to worry." 

"I'm not worried" I quickly reply.

"Then you're not upset?" He asks and I nodded. 

Gosh, now I'm even lying to Taehyung? Is it because I don't feel like he's being trustworthy on everything he's saying to me. Yeah, it's probably because I don't believe it when he says he loves me. I love him a lot, but I can't believe anyone who says they love me. 

"So did you really get jumped yesterday or was that an excuse to cover something up? What, did Minjoon do this to you?" He asks and I shook my head meaning no.

"I really did get jumped yesterday Taehyung" I lied and he nodded meaning okay. 

"Then should I walk you home in case something like that happens again? We are in the middle of downtown, anything can happen" Taehyung asks and I shook my head meaning no. 

"I think I'm fine, you don't need to worry about me" I answer while still shaking my head. 

Taehyung looked at me uncertain but I guess let me do it anyway. I got up and left the room, leaving Taehyung alone which I shouldn't have but I wanted to get home as soon as possible in case my father for some odd reason found out I wasn't at my part time job. 

Once I got home my father asks "you're done working?" 

"Yeah" I called back and he didn't say anything else. I then took off my shoes and went back upstairs where I went into my bedroom and staid there with the lights off. 

the only thing I could think about was why Dohyun just left like that, it didn't seem like him to leave without doing something...I mean, anything. That and I was thinking about what Taehyung said. How he was going to break up with Areum tomorrow. 

Would she suspect me being the reason why he broke up with her? (Even though it's true.) Would she get mad at me even more then she is now? Would anyone even believe me if I said she was harassing me?! 

I don't want to go to school tomorrow...I don't want to deal with everything that's going to come my way. 


Hey guys I know you're all pretty disappointed that no smut happened between taehyung and hoseok but they'll have smut at one point (just not now.) Next chapter taehyung is breaking up with areum!! yay~ (And yes be suspicious about Dohyun and why he just left them there without doing anything.) 

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