Chapter 1

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      For the umpteenth time today I twisted on my side, it had been exactly three  hours since I told my foster mother  that I was going to sleep but since I came up to my room I have not been able to close my eyes.

I stared outside to the see that the moon, in all its glory came out to play, its silver rays casting a luminescent glow on my bed sheets.

I couldn’t really explain it and as ridiculous as it sounded, I felt as if  the night had some sort of pull on me. I found it impossible to fight the urge to go outside it had been this way since my seventeenth birthday I never understood it then , hell I don’t even understand it now but after questionable awakenings in places I wouldn’t  go in normal instances I have learned not to question it but to keep track of where I am led to every time this happens. Previous escapades led to the park or infront of an antique store in town.

Before I even registered what was happening I was out from under the covers and headed towards the window.

I lifted the panel gently and put both feet over and jumped enjoying the free fall, I landed on both feet with a loud thud; had my mother been unable to sleep through anything I would have been worried about the noise.

But she slept like the dead which worked to my advantage.
I was well aware than my window was a long way from the ground and that I shouldn’t have been able to make that jump but with all the weird things that have been happening to me I thought nothing of it.

The first time I had made a jump like that was a few days back when I tried to fight the urge to explore the night when I kept climbing back inside in fear of falling to my breaking or possibly death, long story short I fell and imagine my shock when I landed on both my feet.

I kept on walking on the grass which was cold and moist against my bare feet out to the still warm pavement , I continued walking even after I reached the end of my street then turned left l, I had absolutely no idea where I was headed but I continued walking just the same, not that I could fight it.

When I finally found the urge to stop walking I saw that I was in a clearing,I also saw that this clearing was bordered   by a forest but what got my attention was the ginormous tree that situated itself in the exact center of the clearing.

I couldn’t understand why this tree stood alone like this or why I was pulled to towards it.  I continued walking trance-like towards the tree ,I was pulled however  out of my trance when white hot pain seared across my chest , I looked down to see my necklace floating in the air and a  white glowing light emitting from the center of it where the crystal was once blue.

“What the hell?” I screamed out while clawing at the necklace that seemed as if it what my head off clean-clean at the rate it was  going, I brought my hand at the back of my next and fumbled with the hook to get it loose from my neck and threw it down to the ground, I have had my of share of crazy for the night and I don’t feel like deciphering what just happened a few moments ago, I turn on my heels and run back towards my house ,  I am aware that I am going to have to climb the trellis to get back up to my room.

I think nothing of it when I found that it took me ten second to climb a trellis of that length, I rolled down the covers so that I could snuggle up under them, this night has startled, intrigued and confused me and nothing cures confusion like a good bottle of procrastination.

With that I closed my eyes and presumably fall into slumber.

AVERIELLE (Book 1 of the Not Your Average Princess Series)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora