"So do you know how to do all this stuff?" He asks.

"Yeah," I say. "Takes a lot of training, but... it's really fun."

"And what else happened in my absence?"

"Well," I reply. "We fought Kraang, we fought Shredder. We fought other mutants and saved the city a couple of times."

"And how long have you and Leonardo been...?"

"About four months," I say. "Counting these past three."

"Cheer up, Sara," Mikey says. He has pokes all over his skin, I'm guessing he got in a fight with the hens. "Leo will be fine, you'll see!"

I smile softly in return. "Thanks, Mikey."

I notice that Casey and Donnie are fighting each other, and it wouldn't surprise me if they were fighting over April. Again.

"Let me go back inside," I say.

"You sure?" My dad asks concerned.

"I'll be fine," I say. I go back inside the farmhouse with the intention of gettimg back to the bathroom to keep an eye on Leonardo.

I'm walking down the corridor of the second floor, when I see Raph walking out of the bathroom in front of me. He faces me, his face with a sad expression.

I walk up to me. "Hey?"

His emerald green eyes look into mine.

"It'll be fine," I continue.

He scoffs. "I hope so."

He looks down at the ground again and says nothing more. I remain in silence too and I decide it's probably best if I leave it here. I'm about to walk into the bathroom with Leonardo when Raph takes my wrist.

I am stopped by him, and I look at him. He lifts his head up and gazes at me. His free hand rests on my waist and before I know it, Raph's lips ceash into my own. He starts kissing aggressively, anxiously, as though he had been waiting for this.

I stand stiff and I don't know what to do. But then I start trying to move my head away, which is useless against Raph's strength. He applies more force into his kissing and doesn't let me move.

"Raph?!" I whimper.

He growls and holds me up against the wall. "Please..."

"No...." I'm muffled by him kissing me again.

"No," I whimper loudly and start trying to push him away. The more I struggle against him, the stronger he gets.

I end up getting angry, and feel an outburst in my own strength. "Stop!" I break my right hand free and smack him hard. He stops immediately, and says nothing.

"I don't care if you're still angry," I say, my voice trembling. "I don't care if Leonardo never wakes up. I only love him! You and I were done long ago!"

I don't give Raphael any time to reply anything. I just storm out of there with my mind racing. I go to the backyard where no one else is, and sit on the ground.

"Sara?" I suddenly hear Mikey asking. "What is it?" He sits next to me.

"I'm just... stressed," I reply.

Mikey fixes his eyes on me as though scanning me for information. "It's something else."

"No," I deny.

"Sara!" He yells. "You cannot hide anything from me! Just call me Intuitionstein!"

I sigh. "It's a mess."

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