Chapter Ten

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"What was that, London!" Meliza screams. "I told you not to aggravate them!"

"Well, I'm sorry that one was... sticking its face right next to my face."

"Grow up! Is it really that big of a deal that it was near your face? Whatever. We have to find a place to sleep. It's starting to get dimmer."

That's when Abdalla gets shot in the leg by an arrow. He screams, spitting a little bit. I flip around and look up, and up above is the man in a red suit, holding a bow. On his back is a pack of arrows. Meliza is already down on the ground, about to rip the arrow out and Abdalla stops her.  I stare up at the ninja. He only has a few- maybe seven more arrows left.

Slowly, his hand reaches behind his back, and he grabs the end of an arrow with three fingers. He pulls it to the string of the bow, where he begins to use his three fingers to pull the string back.

"Guys, run!" I yell, and an arrow whizzes past my face. Abdalla begins to stand on his own, but Meliza grabs his forearm and tries to run with him. He's too slow.

"I need help!" She yells. Hunter runs over and grabs his other forearm, where he helps Abdalla go a little bit faster. We are still in plain sight and range of the ninja's. I'm alone, the only one with free hands, and the only one who can help. Then, I get an idea.

"Hunter, you make a mound of dirt to go over us and cover us from the arrows, and Abdalla, can you do something?" He nods while cringing at his thigh. "You turn the arrows around back their way." After a moment looking one direction, Abdalla shakes his head. 

"I can't. They're too fast, and I can't focus." He says.

"We have to move faster in some way, then. Hunter, make the ground rise with all of us on it!" I say. Then, Hunter puts Abdalla down lightly, and holds his hands beside him, facing up, and pushing air upwards. We start lifting off of the ground, and although we're moving much faster than before, we are still moving slowly. It gives them enough time to get a good shot and hit someone in a worse place than a leg.

Another arrow whizzes past us.

"Abdalla, can you just throw the arrows off target?" I ask. After sitting there in silence, looking around, he finally nods. "Okay. Do it." I say.

The next one comes, and instead of throwing it off target, he turns it around, and it hits the ninja on the shoulder. The ninja cripples over. Then, he stands up, rips the arrow out of his shoulder, and shoots another arrow. The arrow didn't work on him. 

Abdalla uses another blast of wind in his direction, and thinking of fire, I uncontrollably send fire in the direction of the arrow, and soon, it hits him, and he cripples over with three arrows left. There is one more tower that we haven't gotten past yet. 

"Abdalla, just one more time then we're done." I say.

"I don't know, I'm getting dizzy."

"He's losing a lot of blood!" Meliza stammers.

"Just one more, then we're home free." I say.


"Hunter, can we go faster?" In me saying this, he widens his eyes, and then says "yup."

We speed up a tiny bit. I brace myself as the second ninja pulls an arrow out of his quiver, and then shoots. Abdalla blows it in the other direction, but then, he lays down on the ground, his eyes closed. That can't be good. I think of fire again, embracing it, and suddenly, it shoots all the way to the top of the tower, and hits the ninja, throwing him onto the floor of the tower. 

"What are we going to do?" I say, panicked. Meliza drops onto the dirt mound, and grabs the map out of her pocket. She scans it, and soon pokes a part of the map. 

"There's a village up ahead, a few miles from here. They might have supplies." 

"No. This is the land of outcasts. It could be a trap. Most of them are horrible people who have killed a lot of elementeers." Abdalla croaks with his eyes still closed.

"What are we going to do, then?" Hunter asks. Abdalla rips off the sleeve of his shirt, and grasps the arrow in his leg. We all scream as he rips it out, and he screams too. Right away, he ties the shirt sleeve around his leg tightly. 

"oo-kay..." I stammer.

"Let's find a place to camp out. It's getting dark."

All of us gingerly walk toward the forest again, Meliza looking back and forth between the map and the forest. Unsurprisingly, She guides us straight forward to a place nearby a river. 

We all sit down, rubbing our arms in the cold. 

"I'm gonna try to make a fire." I quietly say, and then I stand up, and walk away into the forest. Looking for fire wood, I take a small, runty tree and crack it, and drag the wood back to the camp. Hunter seems uneasy about something. As I drop the firewood on the ground, cracking it into smaller pieces, Meliza begins to sit further back. Abdalla does too. Hunter stares at the wood, wearing some sort of longing face.

"I'm sorry, okay? Wouldn't you rather be warm than cold?" I ask. Nobody answers. 

Thinking of fire again, I put my hands out, causing everyone to sit even further back, and an unsteady stream of occasional flames shoot out, eventually lighting the wood on fire. Hunter looks sick.

Then we sit in silence for what seems like forever, me staring at the flames in detest.

Earth and water go together well.

Air and water go together well.

Even air and earth go together well. I go well with nothing. There's no wonder that nobody liked me at school. I'm an unlikable person. 

Trying to hide the tears about to stroll down my face, I lay down, mutter "I'm going to sleep," and then close my eyes.

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