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Louis sat on the football field, huffing in pain. Practice always exhausted him and right now, he wanted nothing more than to go back to his beautiful angel's house just so he could see that dimpled smile. He really needed to stop thinking about Harry but he couldn't help himself, it was just so hard to forget about those emerald green eyes, those curls and oh lord, his voice.

The brunette pulled out a cigarette from his pocket, lighting it up as he watched his team mates toss the ball to each other, kicking it while laughing like hooligans. He really didn't get why he hung out which these people, they were so uncivilized but Louis wouldn't trade his friends for anything in the world. Maybe for a certain curly haired dude but that was not important right now.

"Smoking on school grounds is not allowed Tomlinson," He looked up to find his coach, Mr. Anderson, staring at him, now in normal situations Louis would have freaked out but their coach was probably one of the only people who let his rash behavior slide.
(Sudden AN/ I'm so sorry for mentioning Simon as the coach for Capulets too. Edited it now)

"I needed a stress reliever," He smiled, making sure to give a much wider one so that his would crinkle from the sides. Eleanor had told him that was a very charming trait he had and well, if it worked on females, why couldn't it simply work on men.

Mr. Anderson laughed loudly, sitting down right next to Louis as the two men watched the team play, more like run around the ground and scream every time one of them scored a goal.

"You prepared for the match? Heard it's gonna be a big one," Louis simply hummed in reply. He never was one to take a simple match too seriously like all of his team mates did. He put his heart in the game, not his mind which his parents had made sure was filled with crap against the Montague students and every body else associated with it. He was just glad that his friends and he, had a much higher intellect than the other people in his school. Simply glad that he didn't hate those people whom he knew nothing of.

"Yes, like I'm ready for all the other matches," His coach laughed at that. One thing he loved about Mr. Anderson was that he didn't unnecessarily hate on the Montague students just like every other teacher did. You could say that the two of them were very alike in that aspect.

He laid down on the cold grass field, the howls and screams of his friends made him smile as he closed his eyes and just like always, they were once again filled with the beautiful green ones. Louis secretly prayed to the god above that they'd meet again, he really really wanted to meet Harry and he knew that sneaking out to see him was probably not the best decision. Not when they had almost gotten caught the previous time. He was just glad that it was a bit dark and Harry's neighbor was probably too sleepy to notice.

"Do you believe in love at first sight?" He asked suddenly, his mood changing quickly from a bored, unenthusiastic one to a hopeful one.

"I do." Louis hummed at his coach's reply, getting up from the ground to walk back over to the team. He nodded his head at his team mates who stopped the match to greet him, their team captain. Sometimes, Louis wanted to throw the responsibility away simply because that just raised people's expectations of him.

"What's up?" His best friend smiled at him, the brown roots sticking to his head with advent sweat. He almost cringed at the sight, wondering what girls liked so much about bulky, muscular guys sweating. He might be bi but he didn't like sweaty guys, no matter how hot they were. Unless they were....well, Harry. He was almost certain that he'd like to watch the taller man play, without any shirt, his tattoos on display and sweat trickling down his body. The thought almost made his dick twitch but he quickly shifted his attention back to Liam.

"Thinking about him, the usual," He replied cheekily, blocking the ball with his feet as they started running in the field, the brunette making sure to keep the ball in check as he looked for an open pass.

"Creep!" He laughed along with Liam, loving how the strange feeling of being content felt.

"I think I love him. Like, really love him," He replied after having successfully kicked the ball to his team mate Chad.

"You can't love someone whom you don't know."

"Actually, you can. Coach agrees with me," The two boys looked back at the middle aged man who was smiling brightly at the game, probably feeling happy that he had gotten the team so far.

"Louis...,"Liam sighed, "You're probably never gonna see  him again and even if you do, the chances of a romance taking place is close to impossible. Your parents will probably kick you out and mine won't let you live with me after they find out that you're associating with a Montague."

"I'm eighteen, I can get a job and leave this messed up place. We don't even know why we fight with them for fucks' sake. How messed up is that!" He shouted loudly, watching Chad miss a goal.

"Yes, it's fucked up but we're still living here. We need to follow the rules," He almost wanted to hit his friend in the head. Liam was too much into the rules, the responsible one of them all and maybe that's why Louis was still in touch with reality. Liam certainly made sure his best friend didn't start thinking of unachievable things and mostly, Louis would be grateful for that but not this time. Right now he just wanted his best friend to support him, to tell him that him and Harry could actually work out. Was that so hard?

"I don't care. If I meet him again, accidentally," He gave a pointed look to Liam when he noticed the taller man smirking, "that means it's fate and that means I'm going to work for it. No matter what you say. I'm not letting him go, not when I feel so strongly about him."

Liam opened his mouth to protest and he really would have but he stopped himself.

"Whatever you say Lou. Just make sure it's a real accidental meeting." He laughed when the shorter man punched him on the chest.

"We will meet again. Him and I are meant to be."

AN/ If there are any errors then I would like to apologize.

Thoughts on the chapter so far?

Do you guys like this story? The readers and votes keep on falling (they weren't much to begin with but oh well.)

I just want to complete this story because I really like the idea I have in my mind and that's why I'm still continuing with this.

This was just a short filler but more Larry happens soon ;)

20 votes and 10 comments for next update?

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