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Harry was about to go to sleep. His eyes were drowsy and he couldn't keep them open anymore. He would've gone to sleep instantly if there wasn't soft yet firm knock on his window. Harry glared at the window which was covered with black velvety curtains.

Knowing that almost everyone in the house was probably asleep, Harry grabbed a baseball bat, pulling it out of his closet slowly, careful not to make any noises. He had often seen these things taking place in movies or TV dramas but knowing Harry, he wouldn't dare raise the bat to harm somebody. He'd probably just try to scare the person.

He walked noiselessly towards the window, the knocking kept on increasing in pace. Maybe the thief or murderer was getting impatient? Harry thought but quickly shrugged it away. He wasn't the wisest pea in the pod when he was sleepy and damn was he sleepy. Even while knowing that there might be some criminal outside his window pane, his eyes were still droopy and he kept on staggering on his own steps.

In one movement, he removed the curtain away from the window and raised the bat as high as he could, trying so very hard to intimidate the criminal but all he heard were chuckles, of three different voices to be specific.

"Oh....," Harry blushed furiously when he saw who was standing behind the window. With trembling hands he opened his window, allowing the strangers to enter inside but frowned when only the feathery haired brunette came inside his bedroom while the girl and another well muscled teenager, stayed outside.

"Hey," the stranger smiled softly at his curly haired angel. He couldn't believe that he was there, in his room with his perfect angel standing right in front of his very own eyes. Those green eyes that had haunted his dreams ever since he first laid his eyes on the tall boy looking over in fear and confusion.

"Hi," Harry smiled. He had thought about his savior a lot over the past week but never in his wildest dreams did he imagine meeting him again. But now Harry could properly thank him so he wasn't complaining.

"What are you doing here?" his voice shook with excitement and fear as he placed the bat down, beside his bed and sat down on it very carefully, his eyes drooping shut with every movement he made but he didn't want to sleep, not with such a beautiful male in front of his eyes.

"I wanted to meet you. See you again," The unique voice spoke in the darkness, only the moonlight coming through the window allowed them to see each other quite clearly. Harry took in all the features of his savior. The blue denim jacket, the red t-shirt clinging to his short yet well built frame. His feathery soft hair were flowing in different directions but still looked stylish if that was even possible. The blue eyes looked at Harry's green ones with so much adoration that nobody could've said this was their first "proper" meeting. Harry was captivated by this stranger. He deemed him as the most beautiful human he had ever seen, in his mind.

"What's your name?" Harry settled down on the bed, patting the spot next to him as he cuddled in the blankets.

The shorter yet definitely older man smiled at the boys childish, kitten like antics but settled under the covers with his angel anyways.

"Louis, Louis Tomlinson," He whispered, petting Harry's unruly curls gently but stopped when he felt Harry's entire body freeze.

"W-What??" He stuttered, his eyes wide and all traces of sleep had long left his mind. This was Louis Tomlinson, the man his very own cousin seemed to hate with a vengeance for some reason. This was the guy every person in his school hated and talked all sorts of crap about. And here he was, little Harold, making friends and maybe something more with the enemy.

"I didn't...k-know you were a Capulet," Harry mumbled, a blush coating all his features but not because he was embarrassed but because he was scared and sweating like crazy right now.

"I didn't know you were a Montague either Harry," Louis sat up sighing loudly. He already new who Harry was related too and honestly, he didn't blame Harry was reacting this way. In fact, he was glad that Harry wasn't screaming and calling for his brother Niall or worse, his parents to throw the Capulet captain out.

"Do you want me to leave?" Louis asked, a sad smile playing on his lips. He didn't want to bother the younger lad. He might have been falling in love with him or even just liking him but if the other boy told him that he stood no chance, then Louis was wise enough to back off.

When Harry didn't reply to his question, Louis got up, ready to leave. He patted Harry's soft curls again, getting lost in how perfect yet distraught they looked. Pecking Harry's cheeks gently, Louis started walking away, silently hoping for the younger boy to stop him and to be brave enough to be with him. But he knew that not everyone was like him, not everyone thought this Capulet vs Montague battle was useless. Louis thought he was the only one who would ever make the silly mistake of falling for a Montague student.

"W-wait," the slow, husky voice he had started to love so fucking much, whisper yelled. Louis's body froze for a second but finally responded when arms sneaked around his waist. He knew they shouldn't do this not because they were rivals but because they didn't even know each other too well but he just felt so fucking comfortable with the taller yet submissive lad around him. He wanted to protect him but show him all the exciting yet dangerous things in the world, he wanted to claim Harry and let him do the same. He wanted Harry but did Harry want him like he did?

"S-stay," Harry's whispered as the man turned around and switched their positions so that it was now Harry who was being cuddled into a smaller yet strong chest. Harry sighed not knowing what he was getting himself into but he liked this feeling a lot.

"I will Princess," Louis chuckled, running his fingers through Harry's hair again, making the taller lad sleepy. "Go to sleep baby," Harry heard Louis whispered while gentle lips kept on pecking his cheeks, making them go red because he was just blushing too hard. Louis made him blush too hard.

"I don't know what's happening but I really, really like you," Harry mumbled as he was placed into the bed and the blankets covered his body.

"I really, really like you too Haz," Louis kissed his forehead again and before the curly haired boy closed his eyes letting sleep consume him, he heard the window shut and the grass rustle under footsteps indicating Louis was gone and Harry wasn't going to lie, he slept with a smile on his face for the first time in years. He was finally...happy.


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