Out Of The Woods

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Hey guys! You've reached the end of the free version of this story. For eight years, I have published my work on wattpad as a fun hobby where people engaged in my stories and it was the coolest thing ever. Being published has been a surreal dream and I know it sucks that my work here is no longer free, but it just means I love my work enough for me to try and make something of it.

I have published the rest of this book on amazon as an ebook. I can't wait to see how it goes and I'm excited for what's ahead. If you want to finish off this story, please buy it on Amazon. I have it listed for the cheapest price Amazon would allow me to. Even if I am selling it now, I don't want to make it hard on anyone purchasing my book. I can't make my book any cheaper than I already have. Please write a review and spread the word, and support all of your wattpad authors that are trying to make the big leagues.

Full version can be found at: https://www.amazon.com/Everything-Has-Changed-Sydney-Adams-ebook/dp/B07GRZX4PN/ref=sr_1_2?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1535102190&sr=1-2&keywords=everything+has+changed

Everything Has ChangedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora