This is Where We Fall | pt.1

Start from the beginning

"Hey! What's going on? Why's everyone going to the meeting room?" Antonio came trotting up to them, obviously just awoken from his sleep.

Berwald gave a short nod to the biters outside, causing a tiny gasp to come from the Spaniard.

Oh dear... Antonio thought, this wasn't good. There's so many. This building can't hold up for long with this number.

"There's no time to stare. Come on, we have to go." Mathias informed the Spanish man. It was true. They couldn't stop to talk, they had to go. Antonio nodded and briskly walked beside them as they made their way to the meeting room.

Mathias looked back up to where Berwald was taking them. The bullet wound in his side ached as he was held. Oh... He hoped this mass of biters won't be a danger to anyone.


Ludwig ran down every hall to the point where it seemed like he was running in circles. Every passing second was a second lost to getting up to the meeting hall. Where was Feliciano? Where was he? That was his main concern. He couldn't get to the meeting room with the others until he got Feliciano.

"Feliciano! Feliciano!" Ludwig shouted down the halls. The only response he received was his thundering footsteps beneath him. This wasn't good. The biters got closer by the second. It was only a matter of time before they broke in.

Right before he started to lose hope, a sudden idea came to mind. Oh no...

The basement

As the thought came clear to his mind, the German ran down the steps and towards where Feliciano may be. He was correct. The door was ajar and the faint talk of a person in there confirmed the fact that that was where he was. Ludwig quickly came into the room, nearly paling at the sight.

Feliciano was kneeling next to Lovino's biter, unlocking one of the chains binding its wrists. The biter growled and snapped viciously at the Italian, squirming as he was slowly being set free.

"No! Feliciano stop!" The German shouted, rushing over to the other. Feliciano turned to him, smiling wide.

"Ludwig! You're here! Please help me get these chains off fratello." He said, unsnapping one of the chains on Lovino's left wrist. "We need to get him to the meeting room with everyone else! Rodriech said there's biters coming in so we have to-"

"No. We can't bring him." Ludwig interjected, eyes hard yet worried. Feliciano walked up to him, confused at what was said.

"No? But why? He's family! He's sick! We can't leave him to die!"

"Feli... He's already dead."

"No, he's sick. That's what you said! You're finding a cure for him! You-"

"We have to leave him! He's... He's not safe!"

Feliciano shook his head in disbelief. What was this? Leave his brother for the biters? Wasn't Ludwig supposed to protect them and keep them safe? Why was he just abandoning Lovino? He couldn't wrap that around his mind. His brother was obviously sick so why couldn't they bring him to safety?!

Of course, the thought of him still being alive was still in his mind. It continued to refuse the fact that his brother was long gone and this was a mere monster that looked like his family.

This Is Where We Fall (Hetalia Zombie Apocalypse AU)Where stories live. Discover now