Mutant Waters (Donatello/Michelangelo)

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AN I don't know how this will go over but I wrote with one of my characters. She's never been in a published piece so please let me know what you think of this one! I stepped out a bit and I will be providing a image. It's just I am not done drawing said image. Again, if you read this chapter PLEASE let me know how you liked it or even how you did not like it. Thanks~Alexandria Maxwell

Mikey rolled his eyes. Why did he volunteer for this again? His brother Donatello had built a turtle sub and now he was exploring the bay to find any mutants underwater. Mikey had decided to 'help' so he could drive. However his brother had other plans. Now he was swimming around the mouth of the Hudson, looking for anything that might have come into contact with mutagen. He was attacked to the sub but it was feeling kinda boring now. "Fish, fish... more fish. Hey a turtle." He said into his mask.

"Focus Mikey." Came Donnie's voice through the headset. "Only things out of the ordinary."

"But I'm bored." He whined. With a sigh he began to move on. Just as he was checking around a wreck something moved in the shadows. He turned toward it and went bug eyed. "Hey Donnie, there aren't sharks around here are there?"

"Shouldn't be. If there are they're a lot smaller then you are Mikey."

"You sure about that?" He asked while watching a large 'thing' moving back and forth in the water around him. He gulped as Donnie asked why. "Okay Michelangelo, You're a big turtle. Bigger than any fish out here..." He said to himself as he moved toward the moving thing. As he came closer he could see a big fin, it was almost translucent. He reached out to touch it but as soon as he did the tail attached to the fin violently slapped into him. "Oof" he smacked into the wreck and watched the tail sweep back and forth until it slowed. Curious now he swam over to the other side of the wreck to see what was attached to the tail. Two, shining golden eyes looked up at him. "Whoooaaa.." he drawled.

"What is it Mikey?"

He wasn't sure he was seeing right. Mikey was looking at... a mermaid? It was all shades of blue with long hair that had a blonde tint. It was hard to tell without the light on his mask, the hair was much like the tail in its translucence. "Are you stuck?" He asked looking to the tail that stuck through a wall. Carefully he swam inside the hole he could see the mermaid in and went toward the tail in question. Swimming passed the hair, it tickled his sides. Carefully he grabbed the tail and helped pull it through the hole, "There you go." He said smiling back at the mermaid. The mermaid made a pain expression and reached for her tail. Looking at the tail himself he could tell she had been hurt. "Hey I know! Why don't you come with me? My brother can help you feel better. He's really good at making me feel better when I take a spill on my board." He swam out of the hole and turned back waving for her to follow. Slowly the mermaid followed him toward the sub.

Donatello met his brother at the tank. "Mikey! What happened?! You didn't respond for 5 minutes! I was starting to worry about... you...?" He stopped talking as he saw something large behind his brother in the water.

"Donnie! You've gotta see this." Mikey said ripping off the mask. Reaching down he grabbed the arm of the mermaid and pulled her up. Donatello's eyes grew as wide as saucers as he beheld the fish woman. Her skin was all hues of blue and her hair looked like jellyfish tentacles, if they could be blonde that is. Her golden eyes stared up at him as her finned ears opened like paper fans. Mikey pulled her out of the water further but she took on a pained expression.

"Mikey put her back in the water." Donnie finally told him. He did as told but asked why. "Her gills Mikey. Look." Donnie's keen eyes had discovered her gills along her throat. He watched them open as she took a breath in the water. "She's amazing Mikey." He quickly cleared his throat, "I'm sorry ma'am, my name is Donatello." He reached out a hand while the mermaid looked at it.

"Oh yea, Donnie," Mikey said remembering why he brought the fish lady up. "I think she hurt her tail. Can you help her out?" He asked climbing out of the tank.

Donnie nodded before the mermaid hopped back underwater. They both leaned over the side of the tank as her tail followed her. Mikey grabbed the tail fin and both turtles hoisted the tail over the side. Donnie looked over the red ring around her tail as Mikey watched her upper half swaying in the water. "Hmm, looks like she was pinned in by something." He said reaching for his med kit.

Mikey chuckled, "Yea, she slapped me pretty hard when I found her stuck in some window."

"Port hole Mikey, they're called portholes." Donnie answered as he rubbed some cream over the scales. Her tail began to flip flop, "Mikey hold her down."

"Hold on lady mermaid!" Mikey yelled while grabbing the long tail. "It's gonna sting!"

Both turtles held on as Donatello applied the antibacterial cream and bandage. Finally done they lowered the tail back into the water. Mikey was about to jump back into the water when Donatello stopped him. "Mikey, the water around here is too salty. If you go in for any longer you may get

"But bro, it's a mermaid!" Mikey said excitedly. He gave Donnie the puppy dog eyes but it didn't work. Just as they were arguing the mermaid swam to the front of the craft and tapped on the glass. Both turtles looked at her as she waved at them. They waved back and slowly the mermaid took a finger and began to spell something out. "What's she sayin?"

Don walked forward and watched her fingers. "T-H-A-N-K-Y-O-U. Thank you..." Donnie pressed a button on the console and spoke into a microphone. "You're welcome miss."

At the new sound the mermaid blinked surprised and then smiled at them. "My name is Mingmei," she said placing a webbed hand over her chest. Mikey and Don were pleasantly surprised.

"Let's take a selfie!" Mikey yelled grabbing his Tphone. "Leo and Raph are never gonna believe this!" He grabbed Donatello and held up his phone. He waited until all three of them were in the picture. 'Click' They smiled at Mingmei "You should come home with us!"

She giggled, "Where do you live?"

"We live under New York City." Donnie smiled, but Mingmei's smile disappeared. "I could build you a tank to visit us in-"

"I can't. I'm sorry friends." She said quickly. Mingmei kissed the glass in both of their directions, "I hope to see you again someday. Goodbye." She quickly swam away.

"Wait!" They both called but could only watch the silver flicker of her tail as she disappeared from sight.

**** (When they return to the lair)*

"How did your expedition go Donatello?" Master Splinter asked as they walked into the lair.

"You're never going to believe it Master! We helped a mermaid!" Mikey yelled excitedly. Leo and Raph began laughing hysterically from the couch. "What? We did."


"But we did Master Splinter." Donatello stated. Everyone stopped laughing. "We have proof. Mikey." Mikey got out his T-phone and showed off the picture. Leonardo and Raphael couldn't believe their eyes. Later, after Splinter questioned Donatello and everyone was going to bed, Donnie sat quietly in his room. On his wall he projected the video captured from the sub, watching this mermaid girl. She was a mystery he wanted to solve.

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