Dirt is Fun

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Chapter Two

Dirt is Fun

            “Hello Professor Longbottom, my name is Jazzmyn Divine.”  The beautiful woman in front of Neville with her striking eyes made his knees weak, and butterflies erupt somewhere deep inside of him. He was also blushing. A lot.

He stuck his hand out “Oh, uh, hello Professor Divine, a pleasure to meet you..”

She shook his hand, sending warmth up his arm “Oh no, Professor, the pleasure is all mine; I have wanted to meet you for a long time since I read your book on your travels in the Amazon! Quiet an exciting read, one of my favourites.”

Neville blushed again “Oh, well, thank you!”

They stood looking at each other for a while longer, Neville’s cheeks as red as a cherry and Professor Divine with a polite smile on her face, never wavering. She brushed a curl away from her face and stepped away “Well Professor, I must go, much to do.”

Neville grew flustered and dropped his eyes to his shiny black shoes, red staining his cheeks once more “Ah, yes, me too. Lessons start tomorrow! Goodnight, Professor Divine.”

She laughed “Please, Professor, call me Jazzmyn.”


            Neville hurried down the halls of Hogwarts, cursing himself for reading just one more chapter in “Muggle or Magical?” instead of getting breakfast. His stomach was complaining and he wasn’t sure if he could teach his first lesson ever on an empty stomach.

Unlocking the green door to green house one, he put all his books down and looked around him, and surveyed the class that flowed in around him. First years. Mandrakes. He could do this…right?

He cleared his throat as he put on his coat to protect his clothes from filth and clapped his hands “Welcome, class, to your first Herbology lesson of the year. I hope you all have your equipment?” over twenty little heads nodded, eager to start their lesson.

“Alright then, good. Good.” Oh no; don’t panic, don’t panic! He thought as the students snickered, watching him become flustered. He looked around him, trying to get a hold on himself.

Doubt surged through him, causing his cheeks to stain pink as the students became restless. His eyes flickered and he caught sight of his reflection in the glass, standing in front of a class of young minds. He didn’t look nervous, or flustered. He looked confident, smart and prepared. He could do this, he really could.

He smiled and put his earmuffs on “Alright class, today we’ll be studying Mandrakes and you better but your earmuffs on…”

             “Whatever happened, Longbottom?” Madam Pomfrey asked, waving smelling salts underneath a young boy’s nose. “Did you not warn them to wear their earmuffs?”

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