R: "I'm sorry."

I then looked down when Jason came behind me and started to kiss my neck. 

J: "Please don't what?"

I looked at Rolf with sadness in my eyes.

R: "Tell you that she might be pregnant."

Jason stoped kissing my neck and looked over my shoulder.

J: "what?"

R: "Your girlfriend might be prego."

I moved away from Jason and moved over to one side of the island in the kitchen. 

J: "Is this true?"

E: "I don't know."

J: "What do you mean you don't know?!"

E: "I don't know."

J: "Have you taken the test?"

E: "No, bu-"

J: "I'll be back!"

Jason then started to  walk towards the door.

E: "Jason, please wait! Let me go with you!"

J: "Shut up! Stay here."

E: "Jason please!" I started crying.

J: "Elizabeth shut the fuck up, i'll be back!"

Jason POV

I went  back to the house 3 hours later, I had to cool off. I walked in shut the door quietly because it was now 10. Rolf and Elizabeth where now in bed. I kicked off my shoes and ran up the stairs. I looked into Rolf room and saw he was awake still. 

R: "Hey."

J: "Hey."

R: "Listen, don't be mad at her it's-"

J: "I know, I feel bad about yelling at her."

R: "She's really a sweat girl Jason, you are really lucky."

J: "I know, how is she?"

R: "She cried herself to sleep."

J: "God, i'm such a jerk."

R: "No."

J: "Well night Rolf"

R: "Night Jason."

I walked into ELizabeth's and my room and saw her sleeping. I sat the test beside the bed and laid next to her. I wrapped my arms around her tiny waist and pulled her close to me. She then laid her head back on my chest and I kissed her head. She then started crying again. 

J: "Sh sh sh princess, don't cry."

She then started crying louder.

J: "Baby, don't cry, don't cry." 

I pulled her in tighter.

E: "I-i'm s-so s-s-sorry Jason!"

J: "Baby no, calm down, i'm not mad. I love you."

E: "You do?"

J: "Yes, i'll always love you. I'm sorry I yelled at you I was just mad at myself."

E: "Why?"

J: "It's my falut, I forgot the condom."

E: "Jason it takes to people to make a baby."

J: "I just don't want to see you in pain."

E: " I love you Jason."

J: "I love you too."

I then grabbed the bag and she looked up at me, I put out my hand and she took it. We walked to the bathroom and took the test out. I handed it to her and smiled. She smiled a little. I brought her in for and hug and kissed her. 

J: "I'll give you your privacy."

I waited in the hall. 5 minutes later Elizabeth walked out with the stick. She handed it to me. I looked down and saw........POSITIVE. I licked my lips and looked at her. I then smiled. Looks like a little us is going to be running around. 

E: "I'm so sorry."

J: "Baby, don't be, I can't wait to see our baby."

I then hugged her.

E: "Wait your happy?"

J: "Baby, now that I think about it, I cant wait!"

E: "really?" She started to smile.

J: "Princess, little hands little feet, little you or me, awwww and being called Daddy!"

E: "Haha."

J: "There it is! That smile!"

She then flung her arms around me and I spun her around.

J: "Come on you two let's go to bed."

E: "Two?"

J: "You and the baby silly!"

E: "Oh!"

We then went to bed She laid against my chest and I put my hands on her stomach and kissed her head. 

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