The Subway

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It feels far when you are actually right in front of me ..

Always watching you in the television , listening to your voice in the radio , it's soothing , but ...

What are we again ??

I thought you already forget me ..


It feels that you are so near yet you so far ..

I can't see your face , hearing to your voice , it's hurting , but ..

What are we again ??

I just can't forget you ..


" Do come again when you want to do volunteer . This hospital really need your help to cheer up the kids" , the 2 nurse are standing at the hallway who is talking to a girl about her 20's.

"Of course , I have to come here ." , she said in a cheerful tone

"So ,when will be your departure ?"

"Tomorrow morning" , she replied .

"Really ? You must be tired . After volunteer , you have to go for another volunteering ." , she just chuckles .

"Ah ,before I forget . Your doctor want to meet you . He want to give something " , then , she realized that it's already past midnight .

"So , I go first , eunnie" , she is walking quickly to the lift and at a moment she is looking back while waving at them .

"Oh , see you again "

After she enter the lift , "What such a nice kid . She's too smart to be a volunteer . With her brain , she can make more money than what she have now" . The 2 nurses enter back the ward to continue working .

Halla get off from the lift and quickly going to ER . Even it's already past midnight , but for ER , the situation is more hectic . She have to pass crowd of people before she arrive at ER reception counter .

"Eunnie " , she greet one of the nurse at the counter .

"Owh , Halla-ya . Do you do volunteering again ?" , she nods with a smile.

"Oh , tomorrow . Ah , eunnie . I heard that he want to meet me " , she lean forward by lifting up her foot a bit .

"He really want to but I bet you cannot wait , right ? Here " , while taking something under the table . It's a paper bag .

"What is this ?" , she take a peek into the bag .

"Medicine . Since you'll be away for a long time, he prepared you with that . Make sure to eat regularly , okay ? If you don't want him to get mad " , she just smiling .

"Where is him ? " , she is taking a peek inside the emergency room , searching for that doctor .

"There's an emergency case that was assigned to him just now" , she seems upset because she really want to meet him .

"Oh , really . Okay , then . Send my regards to him . And , thank you for this " , while walking away from the counter .

Then , a guy with black sweat shirt just go out from ER and walking towards the counter to settle something . The nurse who just talked to Halla seems forget something .

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