Hey , Pretty Ghost

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I was planning to go to JiMin hyung's house that night because we were doing some jamming at his house . Usually , I don't take the path that near to the haunted lake that people kept on buzzing but I don't have choice . I already too late . About that haunted lake , there were rumour that there was virgin spirit hanging out there mostly at the midnight . Thinking about it , that night was her 1st year death anniversary . I didn't know about the real story but my mother said that , she was died because someone had raped her and thrown her into the lake .

My phone is ringing , it's JiMin . This kid really didn't know how to be patient .

'Ya , Jeon JungKook . Where are you ?', then I heard someone was talking behind him ,' In 5 minutes , we'll start with or without you ' . I was sighing and just ,' I'm on my way right now ' . Then , the call ended and I'm running. Unfortunately , I wasn't realize that there was a hole on the road and fell .

When I was trying to stand up , suddenly I saw a figure of a young girl was staring at me weirdly . She have long and straight hair and wearing blue sweater and jean . I was taken aback , because no one was using that path after that news .

'W-who are you ?' , my hand was reaching a stick and pointing at her . But still she was not taking her eyes of me . Surprisingly , that girl was not walking . It seems like she was on roller shoe but I couldn't see that she's wearing that . Fine , I was facing a ghost right now . She became near to me and I'm still pointing that stick at her . I took a glance at her , but she still staring at me .

'Are you a guy actually ?' , that's strike me . I was like 'why I'm behaving like this ?' , then , I throw the stick and tried to act tough . 'Of course , I am ' , that girl just smiling at my behaviour . Guess what , for the first time I think I just saw the most beautiful smile . I thought that I've ever seen that but I just can't remember when it was . But , whatever . I'm just freaking out right now actually .

'And you are the most cutest guy I ever met ' . Wait ! She could read my mind . She just keep on smiling after saying that . Oh , please . Don't smile , I already taken .

'I know about that ' . Urghh , not again . She came closer to me while I was walking backward . What actually this girl wanted from me ? When I turned to her , her face expression change .

'Can you help me ?' , ok , fine . I was really freaking out . I didn't know how she did that but reading my mind was not okay for me .

'Actually , I was late for something . So , I can't . I'm sorry .', I quickly ran away from her . Thank God , she was not following me . But my mind was questioning something that I wasn't supposed to . Was she the virgin that people kept on buzzing about ? Why she need help from me if she was already die .


After coming back from jamming at JiMin's place , I was not taking the same path . Rather than taking the furthest path than facing that virgin . I was tired likes crazy , so , I laid on my bed while took out my phone from my turquoise sweater . I got message from my YeIn . She was asking me whether I'm already sleep or not . I knew she was going to call me if I said no , so , I didn't answer her . It's not that I'm annoyed of her but I didn't want her to sleep late because of me . I closed my eyes to release my tired for awhile . When I was opening back , I saw a pair of eyes were staring at me and what the most freaking thing was she was facing me on my bed .

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