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She didn't bite my head off like I though she would but she did look out the window when she heard the motorcycle so she kept going on about how hot he was and when she found out what had happened she asked for all the juicy details.

She told me that the guy she went with was also wearing a vest and seemed to be part of an MC aswell, she's always been into the bad guys I think it was just a one time thing for me. Though I do have to admit it was the best night I've ever shared with a man. But I doubt I'll see him again, I didn't even get Hunters number and I never gave him mine.

1 month later.

I'm currently running about the diner trying to tidy up whilst getting everyone's orders to them before they start complaining, my coworker Sally couldn't make it so I had to cover her tables aswell as my own, the diner is fairly small so it's not too bad I suppose.

Just as I was serving an old couple of regulars their soup and sandwiches I could smell the fish that Big joe was cooking in the back and it made me feel really nauseous. I put their food down on the table wished then a good meal then ran to the staff bathroom as fast as I could.

After throwing up my stomachs contents I sat down and rested my head on my arm and flushed the toilet. Disgusted I got up splashed my face with water at the sink made sure I looked like I hadn't just regurgitated this mornings breakfast and walked back out to continue serving customers but not without being sick a few more times.

That night when I got home Amber was making tuna pasta and I could smell it so like at the diner I dashed to the bathroom and threw up again.

After I was finished I got up and brushed my teeth then took a shower, I was shampooing my hair when I was thinking back to the last time I had a day off work which was the day after we went to the club.

That was 4 weeks ago and that means that my period would be late my 15 days by now but I'm not regular so it should be okay.

But I did have sex so there is a possibility that I could be pregnant, but I'm sure he used protection but then again I didn't make sure and I was way too drunk to care.

After I got out the shower I changed into comfy clothes- yoga pants and my college hoodie and I went down the the living room to talk to Amber about it.

"Amber I'm late"

"Shit! Luce did you not use protection, let's get a test I know you were sick is that the first time?"

"I was sick earlier in work when I smelled big joe cooking fish and a few times afterwards and then again when I smelled the tuna you were using" I say starting to panic I look down at my flat stomach then look at her.

"I need to take a test" I say to her in alarm.

Amber and I both put our shoes on in a hurry then got in the car and I drove us to the nearest chemist to buy the test.

I picked up 3 different brands so I can make sure as I was paying the old lady serving me just smiled and said good luck.

When we got home I drank 3 glasses of water then waited till I needed to pee then I took them all out the packets and peed on the sticks.

I left them on the counter for the set time and then left the bathroom and paced along the hall till the time was up, the entire time thinking about how I could support a child on my waitress wage I'm getting by comfortably just now but I know I will struggle if I add a baby into the mix.

Amber came into the bathroom with me and I looked at the results.

All three Positive.

Then everything went black.

Riders MCTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon