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I wake up with a heavy tattooed arm draped around my waist. My eyes trail along flowing along the contours of the muscular arm up to a shoulder then to the most handsome face I've ever seen. A light dusting of stubble and thick dark blonde hair with the longest eyelashes and best eyebrows I've seen on a man.

The man groaned and pulled me closer in his sleep his face now relaxed I continued to observe him as he slept.
I noted that his nose was slightly crooked and there was a small scar through his right eyebrow.

My belly started making noises and it brought me out my daze I looked around at my surroundings the room was quite basic the walls a light grey and the floor a dark wood there was only bed bedside tables, dresser, mirror in the corner and two doors so I'm guessing one is the door to the hallway I remembered seeing last night and one is to the bathroom.

My bladder being so full made me have to pee really bad so I was trying and failing at pulling his arm off my waist, I eventually escaped by wiggling downwards and popping out from the bottom end, when I got out I realised that I was stark naked I leaned back over the bed and pulled the covers up.

He was naked too.


I'm no virgin, I've had my fair share of boyfriends over my 23 years on this earth but I wouldn't have thought I'd be part of a one night stand I'm not that type of girl.

I must have had way way too much to drink last night, but I remember everything. The amount of shots I drank, dancing on top of the table with the other girls who were there and then hunter pulling me down and kissing me in front of everybody. Before we got to heated we decided to go back to his place and then being on his motorcycle. But I thought it was just a dream and that I had just woken up next to him I didn't think we had actually slept together.

Tiptoeing to the bathroom I relieved myself while looking around the bathroom. It was modern, a shower in the corner a toilet and a sink with a little plant and towels for decoration.
After peeing I washed my hands and looked around to find mouthwash I used some of his, wrapped a fluffy white towel around my naked body and went back out to the bedroom.

My long brown hair was a tangled mess so I attempted to finger comb out the knots so make myself feel somewhat less disgusting. My grey eyes were rimmed with smudged mascara so I rubbed them gently so I would look more presentable before heading back into the bedroom where the beautiful man was sleeping.

I sat on the bed next to him and gently shook him awake. He opened his eyes and rolled over rubbing them then he looked over at me and smirked. I rolled my eyes at him and stood up

"Where are you going?" He says pulling me back down on top of him

"I was hoping that you could drop me off because I don't know where I am" I said hopefully

"Erm, just give me a second I think your clothes are over there" he said
pointing at the bundle on the floor I walked over picked them up then walked to the bathroom and changed into them.

He smiled at me when I came out of the bathroom he was already dressed. He guided me by the hand through the house and out to his Harley which was one of at least sixty.

I told him where it was that I lived and he drove us there with my arms wrapped around him. The journey was quicker than I thought it would be and it felt so free to be on the back of a bike, the wind in my hair and to be able to feel the speed as the wind hit my body.

When we arrive outside my apartment he puts down the side stand and gets off, then helps me out of the little back passenger seat. He lifts me up of the bike as though I weigh nothing and puts me down gently on the ground.
I look up at him as he leans down to kiss my cheek. I smile at him as he pulls away and pushes a stray hair out of my face.

"Thank you for taking me home" I say to him truly grateful I know how one night stand normally go as Amber has had countless and I've been there to listen to the stories, he seems different I know he is in an MC but he seems like he cares more than what normal guys do after then get what they want.

"No problem babe, I'll see you around" he said to me before getting back on his bike and revving the engine. With that he rode off and I let myself into the Apartment ready to get an earful from Amber about not telling her where I was. And once she did know I'm bound to get interrogated.

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