Chapter 8: New Semester with New Feelings

Start from the beginning

And as much as I want to beat him up, I can't. He's my father after all. And how much I wanted this tentacles to disappear, I, too, will disappear from existence.
Er... What I meant there was that if these tentacles were cut off, I'll die. Literally. Like, NO BREATH.

So going back to reality wherein we're walking through the main campus, Sugino-kun was talking about Koro Sensei's Past or something, while Aka and I are talking something more...


"So, by any means, you like me?" I had my attention straight ahead as I ask walking besides the red head.
"Yeah, something like that."
The red head replied with a small blush.

"So... what now? Are we still going to be just best friends?"
I suddenly stopped walking and so as the red head.

"A-As much as I appreciate your feelings... I'm not allowed to be in any relationships yet. Dad wouldn't let me." I said, sighing.

Nagisa and Sugino went up ahead, not noticing that Aka and I were left behind. "What do you mean? Why are you even letting your father do all the things he wanted for you to be?"

I walk pass through Aka, "You can say that I'm not ready yet, Karma. Dad has been a big influence to me since the day mom moved away. He's the reason for who I am now."

It might hurt him, but deep within me has to lie. I lied about my mom who moved away because it was dad's idea to be separated with mom temporarily.

"But it'd be nice if you would wait till I finally know what to reply." I grinned.

The redhead let out an obvious irritated sigh as he ran his hand through his hair. I waited, and waited, and waited until he finally gave in from the puppy-eyes I keep on sending at him.

One point!

Having a boyfriend must be nice. . . It could even help increase their confidence. . .

'There's a reason why I also don't want to have one. I just hope he's not the same as the ones that dad was talking about.'

I shook that thought off as I took Karma's hand. He questionably looked at me while I was grinning.

We both took off, running hand-in-hand.

If only time would stop in every moment that I think is important.

"Hurry up, you lovebirds! We're gonna be late!" - Sugino

"I know, I know! Karma, fasten your pace! - Araki

"You want me to fasten my pace?~ You do know that I like everything slow~" - Karma


"Those two are the exact opposite of Karasuma-sensei and Bitch-sensei." - Nagisa

~ ~ ~

"And so, exams are to begin at exact eight in the morning. And since it's still one day away, let's review for a while." Everyone started to groan, grunt and complain because of what Koro Sensei announced.

Why are they complaining and against his idea? They should be glad that we're being tutored by a perverted teacher. Note to sarcasm.

I elbowed the red head beside me, "Say, is there something wrong being taught by our sensei?"

"Is this your first time?" I nodded as he continue, "His technique when it comes to reviewing us is not like the ones the teachers would do. At the same time, he'd use his Mach 20 to teach us in one go. For example," he stops talking and pointed at the octopus. In an instant, he was already infront of me.

'An after-image?' He held out a book, "Domo, Koutaru-kun. This is how I review my students by using my ability so I can easily teach them individually."

"Ooh, interesting." I smirked, I rest my chin on my palm while facing him. "So... What's our topic for today?" He held out Japanese History, Mathematics, and lastly, English.

"Demo ne, Koutaru-kun, there'd also be a special test only for those who's able to take them without hesitation. I've already asked the others but they didn't want to take that test." he said.

"And what exactly is this 'test' about?"

"I cannot clearly state it out right on the spot but it goes like: Day and night the sun will shine when you hit the jackpot."

'Piece of cake.'

Everyone must've had a hard time solving that riddle. If I remember correctly, I place an index finger on the tip of my nose. "Day and night the sun will shine when you hit the jackpot... Ah," Now I remember.

"I've decided." As I said that, Koro Sensei stopped using his Mach 20 as he turns yellow with green stripes.

"Are you sure?~" I nodded with a smirk.

"I'd like to take the College Level, Koro Sensei."

~ ~ ~

(Nagisa's PoV)

Ever since Araki-chan wanted that College Level, Koro Sensei called for Karasuma to led her at the Faculty Office. I'm getting goosebumps because of this.

I approached Karma with a worried expression,
"I know, I know. You're worried, but don't underestimate Ara." Karma-kun read my mind and in which I nodded in reply.

"I wonder why'd she want a College Level, we still haven't learned anything beyond that." I say looking at the red head. Karma-kun brought out his reviewer and started to read.

"-Hey! Everyone, I remembered something. On the first day of class," All of us had our attention to Isogai. "Araki-chan's average was 75 point something in every subject, but she said something about the school she attended... Keikyoin Academy?"


"You mean the Keikyoin? The highly super-duper advance academ- No way!!!"

Without noticing it right away, Karma-kun smirked, "A-Class better be prepared for this.. Even Asano."

~ ~ ~

2nd Feb 2k17

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