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My heart was racing. My body was vibrating. All around me people are dancing.
Everyone is sweating and it's so warm, Too warm. As I'm walking towards the smokers section out back I'm looking for my best friend Amber. She's a slut. Not gonna lie I'm pissed off she promised to stay by my side so we could celebrate graduating college but no. She had to leave me alone so she could go and get laid with some stranger in a leather vest.

Making my way through the crowd is difficult there is so many people. I feel like they are closing in on me I can feel myself getting faint. The combination of the strobe lights, the artificial fog, the mass of drunken bodies is all too much. I can see the exit I'm trying my hardest to push through but somebody grabs my arm roughly spinning me around to face him.

As I was being spun around I see that that man is very tall and skinny he has this predatory look in his beady eyes that makes me want to run away. He leans down and breathes his vile breath into my face he keeps getting closer, he is trying to kiss me. I look around and nobody in the crowd is paying attention to the scene that is is unfolding in front of them on the dance floor.

I struggle to get out of his grasp as he brings his hand down to squeeze my round bum.

Hell no!

I manage to get free from his grip and ran as I was going which was quite difficult after all the shots I've taken with Amber. This place is like a maze there is so many rooms in this club and there is so many people just standing around in the areas between them. I push past some who wouldn't get out my way and I finally made it to the smokers area the bouncers are giving me a strange look as I lean agains the doorway breathing heavily.

Looking around the smokers area is quite large there is a crowd of men who are in leather vests standing near the back corner being loud and stumbling around, seems like they've had a good time.

They are all tall and though their ages vary from around the late teens to the late thirties they are all very handsome, then again that could be the shots talking.

A couple of the guys are pointing their elbows in my direction and the the big guy from the middle of the huddle turns around and looks my way. Oh god he is handsome, he is wearing dark jeans, a white very well fitted t-shirt which is showing off his body and a leather jacket which is covered in badges.

He tells the guys he is with that he'll be back and he starts walking towards me, I look down embarrassed as I've been caught staring at him.

"Are you okay?" I hear the man ask me

Up close I can get a better look at him, He looks rugged and bashed up but damn he looks good. He has a concerned look on his face as he looks at me.

"Not really" I say in a weak voice.
He looks at me quizzically

"I lost my friend and there is so many creeps in there" I say explaining myself.

"Who was it darling, I'll sort it" he replies with a glint in his eye

"It's okay I got away that's why I'm out here" I say explaining the situation better

He nods and introduced himself as hunter, which is an odd name but he said that it was a nickname, I told him that I get called Luce even though my name is Lucia.

After talking for a bit he convinced me to go up to the VIP area with him so we could get to know each other some more and enjoy ourselves.

Taking my hand he leads me through the crowd and up to the staircase which leads to the VIP deck, he nods to the bouncer and he lets us up the stairs. The group of guys he was with follow us up the stairs and when we get upstairs I notice that it's all full of even more people who are wearing leather vests that's when I look at what mr hot guy guys vest then back to the rest of the massive groups.

Putting two and two together I realise that this must be part of the local motorcycle club, he must have noticed that I put two and two together because as I was stopped and looking around he also stopped walking and was just looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"I see that you worked out that we are an MC, Welcome to the riders baby, want a drink?"

And that's what led to me dancing on the tables, making out with him in front of all the 'riders' and eventually being whisked away on the back of his Harley Davidson to go to his house for a night of passionate drunken unforgettable sex.

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