19. | impossible

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1: 55 PM

@jamesharrison_ : My my

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@jamesharrison_ : My my..girlfriend you look gorgeous today

@itschloehart_ : I always look gorgeous Jamie but thank you

@jamesharrison_ : Look who is getting a big head :)

@itschloehart : You are?

@jamesharrison_ : Hush love, I didn't teach you to have a big head ;) but I love a woman who is confident

@itschloehart : Whatever, can I at least have a clue to where you are currently stalking me?

@jamesharrison_ : Call it stalking, I call it admiring :)

@itschloehart : it's stalking but whatever 😆 but still can't I at least know how many feet you're away from me?

@jamesharrison_: Well.. I don't know. Maybe you'll get up and look for me

@itschloehart : Of course I will!

@jamesharrison_ : Then I won't tell you

@ChloeHart : Fine, I won't go look for you even if I really want to

@jamesharrison_ : Wonderful :) Okay so I'm 20 feet in front of you so I can look at you :) Don't you start looking

@itschloehart : Wow that close? I'll try not to peep :)

@jamesharrison_ : Good love. Leave me a sandwich please?

@itschloehart : Sure but how will you get it?

@jamesharrison_ : Just leave it on your table. I'm kidding love, eat your own food.

@itschloehart : I can still leave you some?

@jamesharrison_ : I know you'll stay behind to see me :) patience is virtue love, you'll see me tomorrow night

@itshloehart : I'm just anxious. What if something goes wrong?

@jamesharrison_ : Nothing will go wrong Chloe. Everything will go as planned. We meet at the venue and dance the night away

@itschloehart : I hope you're pretty :)

@jamesharrison_ : Look in the dictionary for the word beautiful and I'm sure you'd see my face there

@itschloehart : You sure are cocky

@jamesharrison_ : I'm confident :) Its good for the soul

@itschloehart : Sure it is 😑

@jamesharrison_ : It is love :) anyway the bell is going to ring soon for the last hour. We'll talk when you reach home okay?

@itschloehart : Okay. See you

@jamesharrison_ : Later my love

@itschloehart : 😊

@jamesharrison_: 😘

@itschloehart : 😘

@jamesharrison_ : 😘😘

@itschloehart : : 😘😘😘

@jamesharrison_ : We really have stop now love

@itschloehart : We really have to.

@jamesharrison_ : But I can't help myself. I love you ❤️

@itschloehart : And I like you ♥

@jamesharrison_ : Soon you'll love me❤️

@itschloehart : You make it impossible not to♥

[original unedited version]

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