15. | emotional

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2:30 pm

@itschloehart : I'm ready

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@itschloehart : I'm ready

@jamesharrison_ : For what love?

@itschloehart : Telling you about my messed up life :(

@jamesharrison_ : I'm all ears or eyes in our case..

@itschloehart_: Funny ;) Anyway, my life was what you'd call perfect. I had the perfect grades, perfect school life (I was popular , well I still am) and a perfect home. Anyone who knew me saw me as the happy go lucky girl who radiated sunshine wherever she went. One day I was preparing to go for a date with this guy I always liked when I heard shouting from across my room (which was my parents). I eavesdropped and heard my mom shouting about not doing it anymore and dad saying she's fine like she is and it ended there.

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@itschloehart: Everything went back to normal but things were beginning to change with my parents more expecially my mom. She started loosing weight and a lot of it muttering things about being pretty again. Dad saw that something was wrong with her and got her to forcefully eat which made my mom angry that when she was done she went and threw it up again. I was shocked I didn't what was going on. I demanded my dad to tell me everything to which he said everything was fine. I believed him and let it go.

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@itschloehart: once again I heard shouting and my mom yelled at my dad about me being a mistake and it cost her, her body and beauty that she'll never gain back, dad only yelled back that she was sick and I was the best thing to happen to them. I believed my mom because she was my pillar and my rock so I cried in my bed for days. Things went from bad to horrible from that day. My mom got so obsessed with being beautiful and skinny she always

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@itschloehart : cut herself whenever she thought she was hideous and it started to affect me. Seeing my mom like that hurt plus dad was already through with her because he was clueless on what to do with her so she left her to be crazy alone. Every single day was filled with screaming, yelling and shouting. It drove me to insanity and I started doing some bad stuff that I want to forget. Gone was the happy go lucky girl and her perfect life. All that was left was misery and hatred for love turning so poisonous and toxic.

My friends who stayed true to me convinced me to see a therapist to talk it through and it helped. I was getting back to normal but I wasn't the giggly girl I was before. My family was in ruins all because

@itschloehart : of my mom who wanted to be pretty. I'm still living with them and their refusing to divorce each other. My house doesn't feel like a home anymore. My mom and dad barely speak to me. Mom is popping anti depressents like candy while going on teenage parties to make herself feel good meanwhile my dad is always sulking in his room refusing to open and cluching a bottle of Jack Daniels everyday.

My only escape from that house is my friends and...

@jamesharrison_ : And...

@itschloehart : You

@jamesharrison_: Listen love you've been through so much that I admire you for still being strong even if you weren't in the past. I don't hate you if you think so in fact I love you even more. I'm sorry that I wasn't there to catch you when you fell. I'm sorry for not being there for you.

@itschloehart: It's fine you didn't know me so you don't need to apologize. Thank you for still believing in me most people would run away at the chance when they hear about my awful past

@jamesharrison_: The past made you into who you are love. There is no need for me to runaway from such a strong lady

@itschloehart : Thank you. I'm so emotional right now I can't even type properly luckily auto correct is here

@jamesharrison_ : Wipe those tears babe. God wouldn't like to see one of his Angels cry.

@itschloehart : You're making it worse with your sweet words...

@jamesharrison_ : I didn't mean to love. I just wanted a smile to be on your face.

@jamesharrison_ : But I don't know what I'm doing that's wrong. Is it not the right thing to do to make a pretty girl smile?

@itschloehart : It is when a person like me is not supposed to believe in love.

@jamesharrison_ : Wait..does that mean you like me?

@itschloehart : I don't know James...

@jamesharrison_: Just give me a chance Chloe

@itschloehart : A chance for what?

@jamesharrison_ : A chance to finally make you feel happy

[original unedited version]

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