4. | question

84 16 4

8:30 pm

@itschloehart : so i have a question

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@itschloehart : so i have a question

@theanon--: finally you're talking to me willingly, shoot your shot love, what do you want to say?

@itschloehart : are we friends?

@theanon-- : do you want us to be?

@itschloehart : i asked you first

@theanon-- : I asked you second

@itschloehart : 😑 really?

@theanon-- :  just messing with you love😋 yes we are friends...for now

@itschloehart : you aren't going to give up are you?

@theanon-- : not for a second

@itschloehart : another question?

@theanon-- : you already asked 😉

@itschloehart : funny

@theanon--: 😂

@itschloehart : why don't you change your username since i know your middle name?

@theanon--: i never actually thought of that, I'll do it tomorrow.

@itschloehart: okay i have to complete my english essay, see you tomorrow jamie 😋

@theanon-- : that sounds like a girls name😒

@itschloehart: i like it so i'm going to call you that from now on.

@theanon-- : i'm starting to regret why I tweeted you.

@itchloehart: i was aiming for that.

[original unedited version]

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