Pansy Crosses the Line

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"Wow, Ellie!  You look like a girl!" Goyle exclaimed when I joined him and Vincent in the Common Room. Earlier that day we had all agreed to meet there before going to the Ball, Sarah Beth was going to meet up with all of us on the way there.

"In case you weren't aware, I am a girl." He laughed.

"Really? I didn't know," I playfully punched him on the arm (well, a little harder then playfully)

"You look nice," Vince looked down and blushed.

"You too." I looked over his dress robes; they were...odd. "Um...why are you wearing orange?"

"Because Pen-"

"Because, that's what Penka the Destroyer wanted Sir Wuss over here to where!" Goyle teased.

"Hey! I just don't want to upset her...he might turn into a Hungarian Horntail or something!" I laughed and turned to Goyle.

"What about you, Mr, 'Stand Up To Your Girl Friend'? Why are you wearing pink?" He hesitated.

"...That's what Sarah Beth wanted...."

"What I thought."

"Elle, I told you to wear green." We all turned around to see Draco looking stunning in shimmering, green dress robes.

"Well, originally, I was going to wear my dress from the Christmas Ball last year, but Uncle Severus got me this and-"

"Save it." I immediately went quiet. "I should have known you wouldn't listen. You never do." He sounded like my father...Saying I never father was one thing, but if Draco said it also, it must have been true...

"I'm sorry." I whispered and looked down.

"Your always sorry." He sighed. "Now with you wearing red and me green, it's going to look like Christmas."

"But it is Christmas..."

"Exactly. It'll be tacky... Geeze, where is Pansy?"  He turned around and glanced at the girls dormitory.

"Don't listen to him. You look great." Vince whispered to me.

"No, he's right. I should have asked Uncle Severus to get me a green dress..." Once I thought about it that didn't even make sense since I had no clue that he was getting me one, but I shrugged it off. I didn't want Draco to blame Uncle Severus.

"Did Draco even ask you to get a green one?"

"Not that I remember, but he must have. I probably wasn't listening when he told me."

"Or maybe he's full of sh-"

"Draco!" Pansy ran towards us in a green gown. "We match!" She broadly smiled and threw her arms around him...Great. Just lovely. She matched my boyfriend.

"See, Pansy can even get a decent dress, unlike you." Draco sneered.

"Of course I can!"  Pansy shot me a 'take that' look. "So, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" She grabbed Draco's hand and pulled him to the door. Crabbe, Goyle and I lingered a moment, looking at each other.

"Let's go." Goyle finally said. I nodded and we all followed Pansy and Draco out the door.

"So, El-ea-nor, why was it that you couldn't go to the World Cup again?" Pansy asked as we navigated the crowded halls. 

"I was sick." I mumbled, annoyed. Why was she even bringing that up.

"Oh, yeah. You had Scrum-something, right?"


"And that is?"

"Why are you asking me this?!" I snapped.

"I'm just simply curious."

"Well, I told you this stuff at the beginning of the year, remember?"

"No you didn't! You never told me what exactly Scuf-o-whatever does to you!"

"It makes you sick." 

"Oh, really now?" She sarcastically sneered.


"You don't have to be like that, all I want to know is-"

"Pansy, if I tell you, will you be quiet?" Vincent asked, annoyed.

"Yes!" She exclaimed.

"Okay, basically, Elle had a fever, stomach pain, she didn't want to eat, she was tired, and she had cold chills and migraines.'

"That's it?" Pansy questioned. "That doesn't sound so bad."

"It is when you have it all at the same time. Everyone tries to shove food down your throat and you don't want it, and the whole time all you want to do is sleep." I assured. Suddenly Pansy stopped.

"You know....I think I forgot something. I'll be right back. Wait for me here!" She turned and ran back around the corner.

"I hate her." I said to no one in particular. Vince glanced over at me in a pitiful way. 

"I agree." Goyle nodded.

"I don't know what you guys are going on about." Draco rolled his eyes.

"How can you no-" I stopped in mid-sentence. Something had just hit my back.

"What?" Draco asked.

"I..." I started to loose my balance. Swaying, I felt a cold chill go up my spine.

"You don't look well," Draco added.

"Are you okay?" Vince asked. I grabbed his arm for support. 

"Hello, guys" Pansy rounded the corner, putting her wand in her robes. "Oh, Elle! You don't look good! Maybe you have caught what you had during the summer."

"I don't think it works like that," Vince said.

"Sure it does." Pansy said, "I don't think she can go to the Ball. Look at her!"

"I'm fine!" I argued as spots started to form in my vision.

"Look how much she's sweating!" Goyle pointed out.

"I think I outdid myself with this one." Pansy proudly smiled.

"You didn't!" Vincent shouted. 

"I think I'm going to faint!" I exclaimed before finally blacking out completely.

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