Uncle Severus Lays Down the Law

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"Aren't you finished yet?" I asked for what seemed like the millionth time that morning.

"Patience, Eleanor." My uncle took another sip of his morning coffee as he read the Prophet. That was his morning ritual: news and coffee. But this morning was different, and he didn't seem to understand that. Today was the day I was going to Draco's.

That morning I had gotten up extra early so Uncle Severus could take me. I was really excited! But when I ran into the sitting room, dragging my trunk behind me, he shattered my plans by telling me that he was doing nothing until he finished his morning coffee.

With that being said, I had to wait. I had no other choice.

"Uncle Severus!" I whined, sliding down into the chair I was sitting in.

"Eleanor, the Malfoy Manor has been there for many years; I think it can wait a few more minutes." He said from behind his paper. I watched as he put his cup down on the table and continued to read.

Anger rose in my chest. He was deliberately taking his time.

"Ugh!" I let out a half annoyed moan. "But I told Draco that I'd be there early!" Which was a lie. I thought maybe if I told Uncle Severus that I had commitments to fulfill it would pursued him to hurry up.

"That's your own problem." He took his cup back and took another sip. "You shouldn't tell things that you have no control over."

At that point I wanted to yell at him... or kick him... or punch him. Why was acting like that? He was being so unreasonable. I mean, he was always a bit of a fun sponge, but this was absurd.

But I couldn't do any of those things to him, so I had to sit in silence until he finished.

"Come on!" I jumped up as he drained his last bit of coffee. I was pleased to see him get up until I saw he was going into the kitchen. "Uncle Severus!" I exclaimed. "What are you doing?"

"Be patient." He put the cup in the sink and started filling it with water. I rolled my eyes. There he went again.

"What is with you and all this 'be patient' stuff?" I angrily questioned as he started to hand wash the dish.

"It is a good habit to practice." He took the cup back out, examined the inside, and submerged it back under the water.

Suddenly I realized what he was doing. He was procrastinating! I didn't know why exactly, but I was going to find out.

"Why in the world are you stalling?"

"I do not know what you mean." He took the cup out of the water and started drying it with a clean rag he had pulled out of one of the drawers near the sink. I could feel my face getting red when I said,

"You are doing it now!" I threw my hands up in frustration.

"Control your temper!" He shot back. Annoyance stormed through my body like a flock of furious birds.

"I am controlling my temper!"

"You do not use that tone to speak to me, Eleanor!" I jumped when he slammed the glass down on the counter, but quickly recovered and shot back in an accidental bratty voice,

"I'm not using a tone!"

That seemed to make him angrier. His mouth was set in a strait line.

"Oh!" I let out a surprised shout as he tightly grabbed hold of my upper arm and flung me into one of the kitchen chairs. I hit with a force so hard that it tipped the chair backwards, but not completely back.

"I was foolish enough to let you get away with it during the school year, but now I am drawing the line! You will not speak to me in that manner!" He stood in front of me, threateningly looking me straight in the eye. I tried to look away, but he cupped my face in his hand and pulled it to where I had no choice but to look at him.

"Furthermore, you will look at me when I am speaking to you! I am your caretaker and I will be treated with proper respect!

"If you choose to disrespect me, I will not hesitate to punish you." He let go of my chin and I swallowed.

"Do you understand, Eleanor?"

"Y-yes." I squeaked.

"Well then. I will take you to the Malfoy's now, but before we go we need to have a little chat." I tried to get out of the chair but Uncle Severus motioned for me to sit back down. I reluctantly did.

"If you do not behave this week I will not allow you to return...or go anywhere else with out my company this summer."

"I always behave!" I yelled.

"Eleanor, we just discussed this. You will respect me and, most importantly, control your temper." I took a deep breath, trying to push my anger back.

"Yes, Uncle Severus."

"Very nice. You can run along and get your stuff." I nodded and retrieved my bags from the sitting room. After going back into the kitchen, he silently took my hand and we Disapparated.

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