Izumi's First Ball part 2

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Your Pov

Haruhi just came back and for a second there I couldn't even recognize her. She glared at me then smiled as if she was just about to get her revenge, then snuck away.

"Man she's weird...Come on let's go!" The twins say dragging me to another room.

"Wait! where are we going?"I say munching on a steak as they drag you into a room with a Red suit hanging on the door.

"You will where this. They're really in this year, especially for men with red hair."They smiled.

"If you haven't noticed my hair isn't red!(I apologize if it is)."I yelled.

"Well not yet." They say in unison smirking evily.

"Wait! What are you guys doing?! Did Harui put you up to this?! Someone help me?!" I yelled.

...At the ball...

"I never knew your hair was naturally red Izumi" The girls fawned over me..

"Well I just thought H/c would look cooler on me, It's no big deal..."I mumbled still pissed at the twins.

"No way Izumi you look so much more handsome dressed like this and a lot less scary." The smiled

Tamiki's Pov

As I look around the room I see that the party has reached its climax and that It's time for me to pick the name of the lucky lady who gets to have the spotlight dance with Izumi.

Lady's and gentlemen, please give a round of applause to our special lady who will be enjoying today's spotlight dance with Izumi. The winner is none other than Ms. Satchiko.

"I won! I can't believe I won! This is an amazing honor!" She squealed happily as the other girls cried.

Izumi's Pov

"Ummm....ex.. excuse me..mi..mis.. bu...but can I have this dance?" I asked I say blushing, this is so embarrassing.

Only,because this is kinda weird...

"Yes you may kind sir." She took my hand.

Random Pov

It was the end of the dance, and Haruhi smiled as she saw Tamiki look over at here which gave Y/n a sneaky idea.

She put her arm around Haruhi and whispered softly into her ear causing her to blush, her plan is to move the two's soon to be relationship forward.

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