chapter fifteen

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a/n: I literally just noticed that I never uploaded a "chapter eight", I just skipped to chapter nine. Chapter nine on here is actually chapter eight, I just labeled it wrong. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Kendall's POV


Nick, of all people?

I thought he loved me.

I remember the day when we went to the ice skating rink.

I couldn't skate, but he was so gentle and sweet, he helped me to finally learn how to skate.

I've done everything for him, I trusted him.

And this is what I get?

Him making out with another girl?

I can't trust anyone anymore.

I loved him dearly.

I thought we would be forever.

But I guess I'm wrong.

I glance at Paige, who is starring at me.

I glance at the picture of me and Nick on the round wooden table next to the couch.

We look so happy.

We promised each other we would be together. Forever.

But I guess we were wrong.

He called me his "one and only."

Those words sting through me.

I guess I'm not the only one.

His "Kendall K" is no longer anymore.

He poisoned me.

Led me to a different path.

And demolished me.

Stabbed me repeatedly.

And killed my feelings for him.

Pure hatred.

No forgiveness.

No second chances.

I rip off the necklace I'm wearing.

He gave that to me for my sixteenth birthday.

The charm on the necklace says, "to Kendall, from Nick. together forever."

No longer together forever.



Then I cry.
awww this is so sad 😭

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