chapter four

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A/N: Sorry these are all very short chapters; I wrote this for Instagram so the writings are going to be really short :) Plus, I wrote this about a year ago.

Maddie's POV

We pull up at the Vegas mall.

"We're finally here!" Kendall shouts. "I was going to blow up if I had to be stuck with you guys in a car for any longer!"

"Gee, Kendall, thanks for the compliment," I reply sarcastically, shaking off the invisible dust on my shoulders which some how (Paige told me) makes me look cuter.

"What?" Kendall asks defensively. "You have to admit."

I kind of do. The whole time we were driving here, Chloe was complaining about going to the mall, Paige was squealing annoyingly every 5 seconds, and Kendall was going on about Physics. I love these girls, but today they were driving me nuts!

"Whatever. Let's just get this over with." Chloe groaned, then slowly got out of the backseat.

"C'mon Chlo! It'll be fun! You'll see," Paige replies.

"Okay, Paige, you take Chloe since you bribed her, and me and Kendall will meet you back here in 2 hours," I say, taking charge as usual. Because that's me, Queen Bee Maddie Ziegler.

It's actually pretty fun being queen. Everyone knows your name, gives you compliments, and wants to become your new BFF.

The hardest part is the boys. Yeah, some of them are really cute, but the other ones follow me around. It's cute, but really annoying.

But there was this one time...

"Deal," says Paige, snapping me back into reality. "Let's go, Chloe."

As Chloe and Paige head towards a new boutique, and turn around and grab Kendall's arm.
"Quick, let's go to The Show Factory before they close!" I say excitedly.

"Kay," replies Kendall as we head towards the show store.


end of chapter 4

compared to some other fanfics, it's kind of sucky, but eh

Spring BreakersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora