Everything was silent and I felt some kind of power go through.

Feeling the power gave me a strength that I hadn't felt before and before I knew it the rock in front of me had moved.

I pulled away and the noises were back once more.

"What was that?" I asked, shocked.

Samuel let out a laugh "Of course you would become one of the vampires that has two powers"

I looked over at him "Two?"

He nodded "I believe that was a sign of telekinesis"

I let out a loud groan "One is already stressful enough!"

I quickly stood, looking away.

"I know you are frustrated, but two gifts can be a very good thing" he said, standing beside me.

I shook my head "I don't want two powers"

"Eliza had telekinesis and Lionel has it. I'm sure he can help you with it" he said, trying to make me feel better.

"Is Lionel skilled in it?" I asked.

He nodded "He is quite good at it"

I looked at Samuel "At least there is a solution to one problem"

He rested his hand on my shoulder "I know, Cordelia"

My shoulders slumped and I put my head in my hands, overwhelmed by all of this.

"I just want to see Theodore again and see Killian less" I cried.

Samuel quickly noticed that I was crying and wrapped his arms around me.

"Please don't cry" he said, feeling upset.

"I cannot help it. This is all just too much to deal with and I'm unsure of how much more I can take"

He rubbed my back "I'm here for you"

"Thank you, Samuel" I whispered.

"Come on, let's get back inside" he said, guiding me back to the garden.

"Does this ever get any easier?" I asked.

He nodded "Eventually it has to"

As we walked back inside, I suddenly felt faint and started falling.

"Whoa!" Samuel said, stopping me from falling.

"What's happening?" I asked.

He carefully helped me to a chair "Elsie! Odette! Issac! One of you bring in blood immediately!"

"Everything feels very heavy and empty at the same time" I said, feeling odd.

He took my hand "When you started seeing people that wasn't any of your control, it just happened. You made the rock move though, so it put stress on you, taking energy"

Elsie walked in, carrying a tray of glasses, filled with blood "Sorry it wasn't quicker"

Samuel didn't respond, just took one of the glasses and handed it to me "Drink as much as you need until you feel better"

Without hesitating, I downed the drink, immediately wanting more and grabbing the next glass.

Samuel turned to Elsie "Set those drinks down and bring more"

She nodded and quickly followed.

After finishing the second one, I dropped the glass, grabbing the next one.

The idea of drinking blood was still disgusting, but it was making me feel much better, so I no longer cared.

"Keep going" Samuel advised.

I nodded and continued drinking, not caring that I was making  mess.

Elsie returned with a new tray, setting it down on the table.

She gathered up the empty glasses and put them on the try "Is there anything else you need?"

Samuel shook his head "No, that is all. Thank you, Elsie"

She nodded and hurried back towards the kitchen.

I finished the drink and looked down at my dress, seeing blood on it.

"Don't worry about the mess" he said, handing me another drink "Just relax and try to get some strength back"

"What's going on?" someone asked.

I looked up, seeing Montgomery and Agnes, watching me.

"She became drained of her energy, because she started showing powers" Samuel explained.

"Must be quite the weak vampire if she can't handle a little power" Agnes said "And she's ruined a perfectly good dress, how disrespectful"

Montgomery shook his head "Do not speak another word, Agnes"

"Excuse me?" she asked.

"Go" Montgomery said.

She rolled her eyes and grabbed one of the glasses, marching off down the hall.

"What power are you showing signs of?" Montgomery asked.

"Telekinesis" Samuel said, speaking for me.

He nodded "I'm sure Lionel can help you adjust to that"

"I-I think I'm alright now" I said, dropping another glass.

"Make sure you drink or feed before you attempt to do anything again, because the less energy you have the harder it will be afterwards" Montgomery explained, as he picked up the glass.

I nodded.

"You should get her up to her room, she needs rest" Montgomery said, helping me stand.

"I planned on it" Samuel said.

Samuel wrapped an arm around me and started helping me up the staircase.

"Feel better, Cordelia" Montgomery said.

I believe it was at this moment that I knew the time to begin feeding was now near.

I couldn't keep relying on blood in a glass.

Eternal Loss (Book #2)Where stories live. Discover now