Chapter 6:

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I edited the cover for this, what do you think? :) I like it more! Should I edit the other one too? Comment what you think!!


Vio's POV:

Today was the day! I found out his name was Daniel, but Dan for short. We were going to meet up at a small cafe near the library. I told everyone not to bug me, especially Shadow. I hadn't seen him in a while though, He was probably out with some skank. I didn't know why, but I felt a pang in my heart when I thought of Shadow with someone else.

I sighed and shook my head. I walked over to my closet and let my eyes travel over my clothes to see what was good enough to wear, and what was unneeded. 

I decided on wearing purple skinny jeans, blue converses, a loose fitting dark lavender cardigan with a white tank top underneath, and a purple knit hat on top of my head. I smiled at my reflection before sliding on my black glasses and purple scarf. 

Red and Blue were on the couch, Red trying to take the remote so he could watch some show, Blue holding the remote above the red clad boy's head, and then I saw Green standing in the corner, he had a look of concentration on his face.

"Wow Vio!!! You look so nice!" Red proclaimed with a bright smile on his face. He poked Blue's cheek. "Doesn't he??"

"Hm. Yeah. I guess." Blue answered gruffly.

I smiled slightly at them. "Thank you..." I said softly. I was about to leave, but the door opened and in walked Shadow. He saw me and blinked. 

"You look nice." He said, then walked into his room, not making a flirty comment or an insult.

I looked back towards the room. He seemed different... not like how he was normally... I shook my head. I shouldn't be thinking of that. I just said a soft "Thank you." under my breath, not like anyone heard me, but then I walked out of the apartment and down the stairs.

Shadow's POV:

When I walked into the apartment from my snack run, I saw Vio. He looked so cute.. and then I remembered it was because I never made him feel like he needed to dress up to impress me.. It was all for the guy who showed his feelings before me...

Then I got to thinking. Was the guy all that nice? Would he plan on hurting Vio? I couldn't let that happen! 

I slid on a black hoodie and slid the hood up and over my face. I quickly left my room and headed out the door. I heard Vio and Red talking about where the date was going to be, so I walked down the street to the cafe. When it came into view, I spotted Vio talking with a tall brunette. Probably that Dan guy. I lowly growled and hid behind a wall, listening into their conversation.

"Hello Violet." Dan greeted. I smirked. Vio hated being called Violet. Especially by Blue.

Vio looked at him. "Uhm.. hello... but please.. call me Vio, I only allow two people to call me Violet." He said with a smile.

Dan nodded. "Alright, might I ask who?" He asked.

My blonde angel looked at him and bit his lip. So fucking adorable. Dammit. "Maybe before I go home.. but for now, lets talk about books." He said with a grin.

I looked over and saw Dan put on a fake smile, I knew Vio couldn't tell it was fake because Vio was excited. He got that way when it came to books. "O-Oh! Of course!" Dan said awkwardly. 

They walked inside and sat at a booth near the window. I walked in and sat in the booth behind them, my face wasn't noticeable so I doubt they would worry. "So! What's your favorite genres?" Vio asked with a grin on his face.

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