07|| Satyanash

173 26 104

| ~ 7 Satyanash (Disaster)~ |

More than half an hour had passed since Mahi had last spoken to Kajal. She didn't want to watch her son from across the bushes like a creepy hawk but now she had no idea on how to approach him for the helpful need.

Due to excessive tension, she felt a burning sensation blossoming through her feminine core.

Of all the days in the stupid month, my periods had to come right now! Did I even bring a sanitary pad with me? I always carry it around but today it would have magically disappeared. I just hope I have something to cover my red squash before it decides to grace its presence to the public.

She decided to fix her 'Womanly Business' first before carrying around the discussion of sperm donation.

Looking for the signs of restroom she followed the board that led her to a unisex restroom.

Just fucking great! I just hope that no man stands outside the door then starts to analyze me or I might rip their decoration balls.

Thankfully, only a sweeper was lurking around the corner and she seemed to be busy playing temple run over her smartphone.

There were no Indian style toilets so she had to go use the western one even though she hated those toilets. Squatting down in Indian style always seemed to pump up her muscle works which ended up with her giving out good results.

"Well, seems like it was just a red alert. Aunt Flow would decide to pop in anytime so I better wear an extra panty over my current one just in case."

A sense of relief washed over her after attending a long call with Mother Nature. "Western is not that bad after all." She began to panic when she wasn't able to find a tap, a toilet roll or a bidet to clean her butt.

"Shit shit shit. What do I do now? There's nothing here to clean my arse."

There was no bucket or a mug through which she could take a bit of water from the washbasin to clean herself but then a light bulb moment popped over her head that instantly calmed her down.

She took out a mini bottle of bisleri from her handbag to clean her herself. For a moment she felt like a spoiled brat for wasting such a high-quality water but what could she have done? Desperate times call for desperate measures. She was sure that no one in her family would have ever had such a high-quality butt cleaning moment in their entire life.

"Madam, I forgot to keep a bucket inside." The servant called out to her from the other side of the door just as she had finished the bottle up and had also washed her hands in the sink.

Mahi pulled opened the door a little bit and asked the lady to push the bucket through the door. She waited inside the stall for 5 minutes before coming out and pretending like nothing had ever happened.

Her phone kept vibrating against her jeans pocket so she took it out to see 25 miss calls and messages from Kajal and one voice note call from her mom.

"Well, that's weird. Mom usually never calls me up unless she is back in the city and she wasn't supposed to be here until after November."


Kajal Ma- Pick up my bloody phone.

Aasli ma(Real mom) - Darling! Where are you? I am back in the city due to some important work so I had to directly come to a resort. I have texted you the address so try come and meet me ok? I have some Jack Daniels some French cheese with red wine, Bacardi Breezer and so much more! You know, your dad was in Brazil last week, right? He got duped by some 50-year-old woman and he didn't have enough cash to stay in a high-class place so he spent the night at a graveyard! That is like so LOL; Serves than man right for going on a world tour without me. Hit me up soon, it's high time that we get some matching tattoos again.

"What the hell? Is my life a movie or some sick twisted cliché book? Out of all the days in a year and out of all the places in the city my mother had to be in the same resort as this?! Fuck me. I don't want her to know that I'm here and trying to get pregnant through sperm donation. She would brainwash me to have a fling or hook me up with one of her 'Classy Men'. Fuck everything! I'm going to go home now."

Just as she turned on her heels to run away, she came face to face with none other than the creepy old man... A.K.A Kajal's ex-husband.

"Oh dear, you look so pale and worn out. Do you want some smoke?"

The old man had the audacity to take out a packet of cigarettes and placed it in her palm. Something inside of her had snapped which made her loose all her thinking cells; she was not only frustrated but even furious at everything around her.

"ENOUGH! Stop offering me alcohol every single time you see me. stop thinking that I am some drug addict who is on the path of self-discovery in life because I AM NOT THE KIND OF PERSON YOU THINK I AM. I DON'T SMOKE SO DON'T OFFER ME A FAG."

"You need to chill woman so calm down"


Mahi had never been the kind of person who snapped at people; she was always a soft spoken person and never spoke back to anyone but over the past few days her frustrations had gone up by a notch. She absolutely hated it when someone was the cause of her temper and top that off with the said person asking her to calm down as if she was some kind of a nut head who had no control in her life.

"Hey! I am elder to you so show me some respect."

"MAINTAIN SILENCE! SOME PEOPLE NEED TO DO POTTY IN PEACE." A random voice called out to them from the insides of the bathroom stalls.

"BHAAD MEI JAYE TERA GOO." (Bhaad means to get lost or go to hell and goo is basically cow dung)

"BEDAGARK HO TERA CHUDAIL." (May disaster fall on you.)

"CHUP KAR SAALEY, FITTE MUH TERA." (Smiting your face/Facepalm)

"Not the face! Curse on anything but my face"

A long pregnant silence fell upon the common wash basin area followed by a water splash which would have been made by none other than the random stranger followed by fart sounds that resonated through the doors.

Mahi looked at the creepy old man beside her whose mouth was hanging open in dismay. "Shut your mouth or his fart might enter into it."

"YES! I CLEARED THE NEXT LEVEL... oh god I don't have any life." The sweeper looked up to Mahi and the old man next to her. With a sweet smile plastered on her face, she asked them if they could give her a life in candy crush saga as she had ran out of them.

"Hardik...Mahi?" She turned around to see Kajal standing with none other than her mom.

"Hello pretty ladies, want some drinks?" Kajal's Ex, A.K.A Hardik had taken out some desi (local) alcohol out; Mahi's mom took it from him and gulped it in one go.

Zindagi Sathyanash hai(Life is a disaster)

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