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Every night was the same for Steve, that is when he wasn't on a mission

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Every night was the same for Steve, that is when he wasn't on a mission. He would come home from work, and usually it would be nightfall by then, he would fix himself a meal and play a record on his player. He would eat on his table by himself, and just think about that day's mission. He would perfect it over and over again, thinking about everything that may had been flawed or may have compromised the entire plan. Luckily though, there were only one or two slips he would have, but they were always minor and never put anyone else in danger. He would then wash the dishes he had made dirty that day and shower after. He would only sleep for a couple of hours before he woke up again, and did what he enjoyed the most; keep civilians safe.

Tonight was going to be no different. Steve walked into his house and set down that day's newspaper on his dining table, completely missing the manilla colored folder that laid perfectly aligned against the wooden table. He set down his keys on his kitchen isle before turning on his record player. He sighed tiredly and looked back at his front door, making sure he locked it when the folder finally caught his eye. Slowly, he walked towards it. He sat himself down in front of the folder and opened it with caution. He sighed when he saw Natasha's note attatched to the first page.

'Sorry it took so long, Fury said now was the best time to tell you. Talk later. -Natasha'

Steve put the note to the side and grabbed onto the first paper.

Morita, Jim - Deceased
Falsworth, Montgomery - Deceased
Barnes, James Buchanan "Bucky" - Deceased

Steve became sad all over again. He had Bucky's fingers in his hand, he just had to pull him a little further. Steve sighed and moved the paper with the others. Bucky had died a long time ago, although Steve would never truly be over it- he had forgiven himself already.

The next page made his stomach twist in knots.

Carter, Margaret "Peggy" - Alive
Brooklyn, New York.

A phone number and an address was listed on the page. Steve smiled slightly, of course she was alive. Peggy will never go down without a fight and growing old was no different. After staring at the address longer than he should, Steve moved onto the next page. He had already gone through these files months after he had woken up. He wondered who else there could be, when a picture of a little girl came onto the page. Steve sighed at the sight of her dark curls, and bright brown eyes. There was no doubt in his mind who she belonged to.

Carter, Raven Stefena - Status Unknown

Steve skimmed through the printing, eyebrows ceasing together when he read through the page.

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