Part 2

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Daryl POV

I was sitting in the bar with my brother. I felt my phone vibrate as I took it out seeing a message.
-Hey It's Jesus. So when do you want to meet?-

I read the message and blew puff of smoke slowly. I smirked and started texting him back.
-You invited me so you decide.-
-Fine. 7pm at the park next to school.-

I put the phone away and looked at my brother. Some girls rubbing against him as loud music was playing in the background. I sighed as the barman leaned over closer to me.
"You'll stay here tonight?"
"Do I have a place to stay? Father is still a fuckin' asshole to me. I just want to punch his stupid face in." I clenched my fist.
"That's how life is. It will always fuck ya' up." He moved away and started pouring for someone beer. I glanced at my brother once more. My attention got caught when I saw my phone light up.
-What's up?- Jesus.
I smirked and stared at the message for a while not knowing what to answer. Should I say that I'm at the bar? Should I lie? Should I just simply answer 'Nothing'. I looked around and started replying.
-At the bar. You?-
-Watching tv. Aren't you too young to be at the bar?-
-I can go anywhere I want.-
-Oh really? Interesting:))-
I smiled as I felt alcohol smell and looked at my left seeing Merle looking into my phone. I put in the pocket as my smile faded.
"Who are ya talkin' to lil' brother?" He laughed as I looked away from him.
"Really? Smilin' like some kid who got a fuckin' candy." He got into my face as I moved away from him.
"Can you fuck off?"
"I'll know everythin' eventually, bro. Merle knows everyhtin'." He laughed and left me alone.

I left the bar and went to the room where I usually stayed in. I laid down in bed which wasn't really comfortable but can't complain because I could lay on the ground now.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket again. I sighed and pulled out seeing a message again from the same guy but the message surprised me.
-Good night, Daryl-
I felt my body starting to heat up and I couldn't help but smile. I felt my cheeks get heated too. I ran my hand down my face.
"You asshole" I whispered and replied him.
-Goodnight, prick.-

Jesus POV
I walked into the park seeing Daryl standing. He started walking to me.
"Hey" I smiled at him.
"Hey" He smirked as we started walking around the park.
We talked as I realized that he doesn't open up quickly. He needs to trust me. I kept smiling when he talked. He was actually really hot. He had nice muscular body, pretty eyes, deep voice. He is mysterious himself. Daryl is really friendly and a nice person once you get to know him. He is slowly opening to me.
He made me laugh at his reactions when I told him few stories.
Third POV
Daryl and Jesus were sitting on a bench as Jesus chuckled. Daryl dig into his pocket searching for his lighter. He took it out and his pack of cigarettes. He put a cigarette between his lips as Jesus raised his eyebrow.
"I didn't know you smoke." He said as Daryl hummed.
"Is that a problem?"
"I guess not" Jesus shrugged as Daryl lighten up a cigarette and inhaled the smoke. He slowly blew out the smoke as Jesus watched him.
"So, what do you want to do now?" Daryl looked over Jesus and licked his lips. Jesus stared at his wet lips and then at his eyes getting lost in them.
"Uh... I don't know. Now you should decide."
"Okay. Let's go then." Daryl stood up as Jesus followed him.
They walked for a pretty long time in complete silence. Daryl lead Jesus to an old, abounded park.
"What are we doing here?" Jesus asked as Daryl sat down on metal bench.
"I used to be here when I was a child..." Daryl said quietly looking down as Jesus knew something remind him this place. He sat down next to him.
"I like it here. It's pretty." Jesus and Daryl looked at each other. "This place... It reminds you something?"
"My mother" Daryl whispered again looking down.
"So she is..." Jesus didn't complete the sentence. "Do you miss her?"
"I guess." Daryl looked at Jesus who smiled sadly.
"That's how life works. People leave, people come..." Jesus said sadly.
"If it makes you feel better my mother gave birth and the baby was dead. I was about five. It had to be my baby sister... But she didn't make it... Her name had to be Anna..."
"I guess we both tasted life." Daryl said as Jesus smiled weakly and nodded.
"Yeah..." He said as they both stared at the view.

They both enjoyed the view, the birds singing... It felt like time has stopped... No sound of city only the birds. Jesus felt like this would be a perfect moment to kiss Daryl or ask him on a date but he was too afraid. He felt like he needed more time. Not for him but for Daryl.
"I knew you were an interesting person." Jesus looked at Daryl smiling. "I'm glad to know you more than a brother of Merle Dixon. I'm happy to be your friend."
Daryl stared at the other male. He felt his heart ache from the word 'friend'. He never had a true one. His friends changed all the time. Nobody said those kind words to him.
"Whatever." Daryl said awkwardly looking away. Jesus chuckled and stood up.
"Do you want to come over my place?" Jesus asked as Daryl shrugged and stood up. "I'll take that as yes. First we will go to a supermarket. I need to pick some stuff"
They left and walked to the supermarket talking about meaningless things. They walked in as they went to the milk section. He picked some milk as they went to the snacks.
"What should we take for some snack's?" Jesus looked at Daryl who shrugged. Jesus sighed and took some chips and sprite. They left to the cash desk and put everything on it. Jesus paid as they left and went to his house.

They were sitting watching TV, sitting next to each other, shoulder's brushing against each other. Jesus slowly fell asleep as his head leaned over towards Daryl's shoulder. Jesus rested his head on other male shoulder. Daryl looked at sleeping Paul. He looked very calm and peaceful. Daryl continued watching the movie but he felt his eyelids get heavy and slowly closed them falling asleep.

After a while Daryl woke up and Jesus was gone.He scratched his head looking over the clock and seeing it is four in themorning. Jesus walked in and got surprised seeing Daryl awake.
"Good morning sleeping beauty" Jesus teased and chuckled, sitting next to Daryl.
"Stop." Daryl looked away as Jesus chuckled and kept smiling.
"It was cute to wake up on your shoulder as you rested your head on mine."Daryl looked at Jesus surprised.
"I should go"
"No. You can stay. My parents are out. They will be back only on Sunday" Jesussmiled as Daryl stared at him.
"I want to ask you something, Daryl."
"What?" He grunted and stared at the other male.
"Are you gay?" Jesus said firmly.
"No." He replied right away.
"Oh. Well I'm gay." Jesus smiled as Daryl stared, narrowing his eyes.
"Why did ya' ask?"
"Just interested..." Jesus looked away breaking the eye contact.
"I should go... My brother is probably worried." Daryl lied. Merle would nevercare where he is or what he is doing.
Jesus sighed. "Okay".
Jesus walked to the door with Daryl and walked out with him. They stood a bitas Daryl was about to walk.
"I had great time with you, Daryl Dixon." Jesus grinned and touched Daryl'sshoulder.
"Me too." Daryl said and smirked. "Goodnight, prick." Daryl left.
Jesus stayed by the door for a while watching Daryl leaving. Jesus bit his lip.
"You are going to be mine." 

[Desus/Darus] Listen here, fuckboyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon