Chapter 11- Dance With Me?

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Jerry's POV

"Chill out, Jer."

I pace back and forth in the lobby, directly outside the doors that lead into the grand ballroom.

"But where are they, Kim?"

"They're probably coming, Jer. I'm sure Jack is going to bring her right back."

I sit down next to Kim, my breathing still fast and frustrated.

"Probably, Kim?"

Kim clasps my hand. "Definitely."

I look up at her and then back at the ground. She manages a small smile to try and comfort me. My lips curve downward into a exasperated frown.

"I should have run after her, Kim! What was I thinking? I was just in total shock that Jack was up there and how does he even know Sam? I didn't introduce them..."

I get up and start to pace again.

"Deep breaths. In. Out." I instruct myself. God, I'm reminding myself to breathe? Is this what dating does to you? Well, we are not dating...yet. My cheeks burn at my thoughts. What am I thinking? We'll probably never see each other again after the tournament.

"Why are you blushing, Jer?" Kim asks, obviously holding in laughter.

I turn towards her. "Um...I..uh...well, you see..." I stammer.


"I was wondering if this is what dating does to you. Because if so, maybe I should get some cats and call it quits." Lines form on my forehead and pace faster.

Kim bursts out laughing and gets up from the bench. "Jerry, you're weird most of the time, but I have to say, you can be genuinely funny sometimes."

I stop pacing and glance at Kim. "Who says I was kidding?"

She stops laughing and raises an eyebrow. "Please say you were." she pleads.

I smile. Kim guides me back to the bench and pushes me down onto the ugly plaid chair. So last season.

She sits down beside me. "Jerry, I think you're overreacting. Look at yourself. What happened to the overconfident Jerry who had all that swag?"

I shake my head, feeling completely serious. It feels weird and unnatural. Not swaggie at all.

"I don't know. I just, I really like this girl. And, I know I only met her like a week ago but... Is it wrong that I'm falling for her?"

Kim meets my gaze. "Not at all." She says taking both my hands in hers and squaring her shoulders towards me. "In fact I think that's really sweet. She's going to be okay, Jerry."

My breathing slows down. "Okay."

Kim's POV

"She's going to be okay." My own words ricochet around my head and I start to wonder, Is she? Is Jack? Anyone could tell that something has happened to Sam, something life-changing, almost scarring. I can't imagine what. Maybe Jack knows something? Should I tell Jerry that Sam and Jack have known each other before this. Okay, no to that. I don't think I know enough myself. Pacing will make me feel more nervous so I stay sitting, Jerry's hands still in mine to keep him from having another freak out. His eyes are wide and worried. He constantly glances back and forth, keeping an eye out for Sam and Jack.

"Hey, do you want to go inside? We could always wait for them at the table with Eddie and Milton...?"

"No." He answers sternly and quickly. "I'm going to wait for her. Well, them."

I nod and lean against the wall. Two silhouettes come into view and Jerry sits up straight, immediately awake. Same comes running towards us, plunging into Jerry's arms. They hug each other tightly. Jack comes up shortly behind her, walking. He wraps his hand in mine and the four of us head inside.

Jack's POV

The music was blasting out from the speaker which was right behind our table. Perfect. Kim and I could only communicate by writing on a napkin because it was basically impossible to hear anything.

(Kim=bold Jack=italics)

It's loud in here.

No kidding. I can barely hear myself think.

What are you thinking about?

What other places this speaker could have been placed? Again, I can't really hear myself think.

Maybe it's quieter on the floor. Wanna dance? :)

I'd love to.

I smile and lead Kim out to the dance floor. In great timing a slow song comes on. I offer my hand to Kim. Grinning, she places her hands on my shoulders as I position my hands on her hips. We sway back and forth in a silence. It is peaceful and soothing. It feels as though we are dancing on a cloud. Finally, I break the silence.

"You look beautiful tonight."

She smiles at the ground. "Thanks."

I'm not sure for how long we danced, but it seemed like a good way. We danced for the rest of the dance. As we leave, a burst of courage seems to run through me and I sit up straight. I stop, my hand still latched onto Kim's.

"Hey Kim?"


I swallow hard. You can do this, Jack. Be brave and do it.

"Would you like to go on a date sometime?"

Kim grins and looks up from the floor. "Definitely."

I grin too.

I hope this satisfied your kick feels.

My question of the day is: What fandom are y'all most devoted to?

I have to say the lovatic fandom for that one. Demi is my girl(:

See you soon!
cat xx

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