Chapter 13- Pain and Perfection

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Sam's POV

"Jerry?" I ask frantically as I darted around the hotel. Where could he be?

I pull out my phone, texting 'Any luck?' to Jack and Kim, before shoving it in my pocket and glancing around the room once more.

I feel myself starting to freak out so I stop and take a couple deep breaths. "Okay, okay, if I were Jerry, where would I go?" I try to think. I roll my eyes at myself. Jerry was so random sometimes that who knows where he got up to!?

I sigh frustratedly, crinkling my nose.

Let's try something else, Sam.

Okay, where would I go?

I stop to think for a minute before deciding to go to the one place that I knew for sure I would flee to if I needed space. Even a total jokester like Jerry needs some fresh air. So, I start to make my way to the rooftop. It has the best view of the stars. I guess Jack caught me there the other night though. I grit my teeth. I didn't really know what to say when I saw Jack again. I never thought I'd ever see him again.

He was such a great friend to me through all my highs and lows and all the rest. And when we started dating, I just always felt safe. But it wasn't safe in the way you would feel next to your boyfriend. It was the way you feel next to your best friend. We quickly figured out that our relationship was not meant to be, but we always stuck together. When he left, I was heart-broken. I had lost my best friend! We tried to stay in touch, but with both of us so busy with karate, we didn't find time to keep the long-distance friendship strong, and losing him, man, that really sucked.

That's when I learned about the stars. And the beauty of the night. My dad left for Aghanistan. Mom was working multiple jobs and my older brother was out who knows where half the time so I had to find a way to not only deal with the anxiety without the medicine that my family's money could no longer pay  for. I needed a place to think, as well as something to bring me peace.

The beauty of the night was just that.

As I climb the last flight of stairs, I pray that Jerry is there. I stop at the door, take a deep breath, and push it open.

Relief comes over me as I make out Jerry's silhouette in the darkness.

"Jerry?" I whisper. He turns towards me.

"Oh, hey, Sam."

"Jack, Kim, and I got worried since you weren't answering your phone." I inform him.

He holds up his phone. "It died. Sorry if you guys worried. Jack probably freaked out. I was going to go charge it but I just needed some space."

I text Jack and Kim quickly that I found Jerry and not to worry.

"Something bothering you?" I ask, sitting down next to him.

Jerry pulls his legs to his chest. "I don't know. I know I'm not very good at's never really come to me naturally, but being around all these kids who are so great at it, especially you, it just makes me feel kinda down." He sighs again. "I don't know. It sounds stupid but it just gets to me sometimes."

I take hold of his hand. "Hey," I assure, "it's not stupid. Karate didn't come to me easily either. Ask Jack. I worked like crazy to get to where I am. And I know you could always do it if you really put your mind to it."

Jerry looks back into the city lights. "It just comes to Kim and Jack like this." He snaps his fingers. "But for me, nothing seems to come easily."

"Except being super swaggie." I joke.  He manages a small smile.

"I struggle a lot in school, karate, I mean, even getting girls."

"Hey," I remind, "you got me. I haven't been out with a guy in ages, and I've turned down a lot of offers. You're a special guy. And if you can't see that, you must be really blind."

I look up at the twinkling stars above us and give his hand a light squeeze.

Jerry takes a deep breath. "Thanks, Sam. I appreciate it. Being a jokester, it's fun most of the time, but no one can ever take me seriously. Or think that I have problems."

"Everyone has problems, Jerry, some more than others, but we all suffer somehow. Don't make your problems seem worthless or small. It's still pain." I justify.

"That's the thing about pain, it demands to be felt." He finishes. I turn to him with a raised eyebrow.

"Did you just quote Augustus Waters?" I ask, laughing a little.

"Maybe." He admits. "What? I like John Green."

I giggle and he puts his arm around me, pulling me closer to him. I rest my head on his shoulder, and we both stare out as more lights go out, darkening the setting.

"You're such a dork." I murmur. He laughs.

"So are you."

"Point taken."

We sit there for a while, enjoying each other's presence. Unfortunately, it starts to get cold, and I start to shiver. Jerry pulls me closer to him.

"This is perfect." I say. Jerry turns to me.

"Can I try something ?" He asks. I nod.

He pulls his arms from around me and sets his hands lightly on the sides of my face and leans in. I close my eyes, and his lips meet mine. I smile into the kiss. Finally we pull away and start to go inside because it's getting chilly. We walk down the many flights of stairs hand in hand, without saying a word.

Now that. That was perfect.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2014 ⏰

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