Chapter 1- Big News

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Hey people of the fan fiction world! This is my first official fanfic!

Disclaimer: This hurts me to say this, but I do not own Kickin' It.

Jack's POV

Beep. Beep. Beep. BEEP! My alarm clock chirps, way too perky-sounding seeing that it is 6 in the morning. I flounder around in the bed sheets, trying to untangle myself after slamming my alarm clock so hard that it finally shut up for, well, maybe forever. I glance at my calendar, to see the date, only to notice that it is…Saturday?! "Ugh." I groan, unhappy that my alarm clock blasting me awake had not been necessary.

Suddenly, the beeping noise interrupts the silence again. "I thought I shut you up already." I mumble as I turn to hit it AGAIN, but I find that the sound is coming from my iPhone. It's an 'urgent' text from Rudy. The message isn't long, so I can read the entire text in the preview. It reads, "Meet me at the dojo in 10 minutes." Rudy sent the text to the entire crew, even Kim, so it must be important. I grab the t-shirt that is hanging on the back of my door and throw on a pair of jeans. "I'm going to the dojo, Mom!" I shout as I grab an apple and run out the door.

As I make my way over to the Bobby Wasabi dojo on my skateboard, a petite, blond girl runs in from of me. She smirks as I stop and she grabs my skateboard. "Kim!" I yell as I chase her. When we reach the area right outside the dojo, she plops down on the bench, sticks out her bottom lip, and pouts as she says, "Does wittle Jackie want his skateboard back?"

I follow her lead and nod while pulling off a puppy dog face. She smirks.

"Well, come and get it then!" she yells before turning on her heel and dashing into the dojo.

"Kim," I whine, "give me my skateboard back." The blond rolls her eyes.

"Fine." She finally gives in. She steps forward and holds it out. I reach forward to snatch the board but as soon as my fingers brush the wood, Kim grasps my bicep and flips me. She leans over me, and I can smell her perfume. I inhale the lovely scent.

"Here you go." She says, handing me my board. I snatch it away before she can try anything else. I haul myself up and tuck my skateboard into the locker.

"Hey guys," Eddie says as he walks inside the building. Jerry and Milton follow him in. I steal a glance at Kim. Her arms are crossed over her chest and she's leaning casually against the wall. Kim meets my gaze and smiles. Not a smirk or a goofy grin. A real, genuine smile. I return the expression. She looks so pretty when she smiles like that….ugh, Jack, shut up. I grimace.

"We got Rudy's text." Milton says, interrupting my thoughts. I nod.

"What do you think is so important that we had to come at 6:10 in the morning?" Kim inquires, yawning. I see Eddie shrug.

"I don't know, but it better be swasome. I was sleeping, yo!" Jerry exclaims. I roll my eyes at his trivial complaint.

"Jerry, it's definitely important. I mean, we all know how Rudy needs his 'beauty sleep'. " Kim says, making air quotes. I laugh.

"Yeah, he gets really cranky when he doesn't get enough…Oh, hey Rudy." I say nervously.

Kim glances over at me and mouths, "Good save, Brewer." I grin nervously and make a thumbs-up sign.

"Sorry, I'm a little late, guys." Rudy apologizes.

"Actually, you're right on time, Rudy." Milton replies.

Rudy looks down at his watch and growls. "Darn my timely fashion!" He exclaims.

Jerry raises and eyebrow in inquiry which makes me jealous instantly because I cannot do that. When I try, I always end up looking sardonic or surprised instead of sarcastic. Rudy reads Jerry's contorted expression and responds, "I'm trying to go for the whole 'fashionably late' style."

"Ooooookkk." Jerry replies in a sarcastic yeah-that-totally-makes-sense tone of voice.

"Anyway, what's the big news?" Kim questions, refolding her arms.

Rudy exhales sharply.

"We're going to Tennessee."

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