Chapter 32- "With the red cups the alcohol and the loud music!"

Start from the beginning

Personally, I think it's the fact that these people pay one and a half times the retail price for each bottle. All of them insist that this time is the only time that they actually drink. I don't really believe that my sister gets drunk only once a year, but she swears on it; being two years younger than her, I have no choice but to believe her.

Evan and Adrian, who had the misfortune of making eye-contact with Hazel are setting up inflatable pools and what not in the backyard. Nathan, Matt and Jenny are up on the roof, trying to get those festive lights to dangle at the perfect angle.

I'm in the frontyard, pretending to set up a few dustbins at regular intervals, but really, I've been through with it about fifteen minutes ago. Only, I'm not too excited at the prospect of facing Hazel and getting a dozen chores listed out to me, so I've been hanging here, just lying with my back on the grass.

Luckily for me, everyone up on the roof is so busy trying to make the lights look exactly like Hazel wants them that they don't notice me at all.

It's about six already and I know that people will start arriving by around half past seven. As unbelievable as it sounds, Hazel throws a mean party and about three-fourths of the Westridge population can be found here around midnight.

I get up and dust my pants as I make my way to the backyard to inform Hazel that we had all better start getting ready. She cheers up at the prospect of glamming up and gives everyone an hour to get dressed.

The girls come up to my room and we all quickly change into skinny jeans and identical tops from F21. We slip into jackets to keep warm and apply light make-up. Allie and Adrian insist on straightening their hair while Lauren and I don't do anything to ours. After dabbing a bit of perfume on and slipping into our Vans, we make our way downstairs.

Matt and Kyle are lounging around on the couch, watching some game on the television while Evan and the guys are nowhere to be seen. Hazel and Jenny are setting up the speakers and Hazel looks considerably more relaxed. I sigh in relief. As crazy as she might be, she's still my sister and her frantic behavior was really starting to worry me.

"Okay, all you freshmen listen up. There's a great chance that you might be the only freshmen attending this party. Then again, there may be more of you. The point is, none of you is going to touch a drop of alcohol. If I find out that even a single one of you had beer or anything, I will personally see to it that you don't attend next year's party. Is that clear?" Matt declares in an authoritative tone.

We all nod our heads and murmur our agreements meekly. None of us were going to drink anyway. We've all decided to soak in the first party and try to remember as much about it as we can. And the chances of retaining the night are much higher if we're sober.

Besides, Hazel and her friends are all heavy drinkers and it doesn't take long for them to get intoxicated. So, if any of us really wanted to taste alcohol, all we'd have to do is wait. They all get such massive hangovers that I'm pretty sure that none of them would notice a thing even tomorrow.

I'm not really pumped up about the year ending because the calendar year ending is of no significance to me. I'm not the sort of person who makes resolutions or anything, so that's an added reason why I don't really care about it.

What I do care about though, is being around Nathan when midnight strikes. I want to ring in the New Year by kissing him when the clock chimes twelve.

Legend says that what you do the first day of the year, you keep on doing for the rest. I'm gonna start my year by making out with Nathan, and I really wouldn't mind doing it on a daily basis for the rest of the year.

I mean, it does sound like a plan.

The clock strikes seven and people start trickling in. We all squeal in unison as we spot Brian walking through the doors. The excitement is obviously replaced with a scowl and disgust when Amanda walks over to him and they start swapping spit.

Brian is a straight A student whose only claim to fame is his chocolate boy looks and unmatched guitar playing skills. He is in no way a player and rumor has it that he's looking for a committed relationship. Amanda, on the other hand, is a grade A slut, someone who's notorious for having broken more hearts than can be counted. She's someone who'd run off in the opposite direction if commitment was ever even mentioned.

As Ross would put it, the only interest that these two share are each other's tonsils.

Leaving them to their own disastrous relationship choices, I begin to scan the crowd for my boyfriend. I spot him near the pool in the backyard, talking to Emmett and Ricky about something.

I show the girls where all the guys are and we make our way to them. Nathan spots me coming and flashes me a big smile that almost makes me go weak in the knees.

He's wearing a black shirt with blue jeans and has rolled up his sleeves. His hair is gelled to give him a careless look, but I know Nathan and I can bet a thousand dollars he spent twenty minutes trying to perfect the look.

He makes his way over to me and we share a small kiss before pulling apart. We all decide to have some couple time and then meet back near the pool about twenty minutes before midnight.

As Nathan slips his hand into mine and compliments me on my outfit, I start to blush. He then starts saying all sorts of sweet stuff because according to him, I'm adorable when I blush.

The loud music can be a bit unnerving but it hasn't given me a headache yet. As for the smells, well either everyone in Westridge has drowned themselves in bottles of deodorant or everyone really exaggerates when the say that parties smell like nothing but sweaty teens.

A couple of minutes after we parted ways with the others, I start to feel a little thirsty and ask Nathan to get me a drink. He obliges with a smile and as he lets go of my hand for a moment to get us both some cherry coke and I grin as I realize that I'm in for a long, blush-filled and hopefully kiss infested evening with Nathan Cullen.


Okay, I know this was a filler-ish chapter but I promise the next chapter, although sort of filler-ish again will be amongst the best you've ever read as far as BIAN goes.

The thing is, this is the second last chapter, with the next chapter being the last.

Stay tuned.

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