"I'm Sorry, Dearly Beloved"

Start from the beginning

"Ha, seems so. I pity Rodriech for having to endure your lame arguments. I always found them to be a waste of time." She, too, had the littlest touch of playfulness as well but did so unintentionally. "Unlike you two, I have important things to do."

"Oh yeah? Like what?" Gilbert smirked back.

"Like picking up some flowers in town." Elizaveta replied. "The ones in the dining room are wilting and I thought getting some fresh ones would be better." She gave them both a fake scolding stare before continuing. "Well, I'll leave you two to your fighting. I'll be back after I get the flowers, okay?" And with that, she left the room once more.

Gilbert stared after her, the smile on his face still hanging there. He always was fond of Elizaveta... Even when they were little. Of course, he couldn't really show that back then since he thought she was a guy. A guy liking another guy back then was frowned upon greatly, if you wish to sugarcoat it, so he just shoved his feelings down and denied them. However, she wasn't a guy so where's the hurt in showing his feelings now?

"When are you going to tell her?" Rodriech's teasing voice broke the Prussian's thoughts. Gilbert chuckled lightly, turning to him.

"What do you mean?"

"You like her. It doesn't take a genius like me to figure that out. I'm surprised how little you seem to hide it."

It was amusing how obvious he made it yet the only person who didn't seem to catch on was Elizaveta. Gilbert looked over at Rodriech, shaking his head.

"I'll tell her... when she gets back." He responded sincerely. "I had to prepare what to say, you know?"

Rodriech couldn't help but laugh at the words coming out of the other's mouth. "You? Preparing? I never thought someone with your confidence and ego would need to prepare a confrontation of any sort."

Gilbert shrugged and scratched the back of his head. Yeah, even he couldn't really believe that he needed to prepare for this. He didn't give a shit about what anyone said with anything he did cause, well, he didn't care. But when it came to confessing to Elizaveta, it was something he just had to think over.

"I'm just full of surprises, aren't I?"

Fast forward

Two days after that day, Elizaveta didn't come back. She left to gather flowers but never returned. Usually, that wouldn't be pondered on that much since there were tons of harmless possibilities for that. She could've forgotten and went back home. She saw another nation and hung out with them. She remembered things to do and went to do that. She was pulled aside by her boss and had to tend to things in her own country. There were tons of things that could've happen, but that wasn't what changed Gilbert's life.

A blink of an eye was all it took before he lost his chance to confess. A blink of an eye was all it took before Elizaveta left the room to get flowers. A blink of an eye.

About an hour after Elizaveta left, a bomb exploded two miles away. That bomb was followed by four more that shook the entire place. It hit the town with the second bomb and the others scattered about in various areas around. Half of Rodriech's house collapsed due to this but, fortunately, him and Gilbert were not heavily injured. Only minor scrapes and bruises.

The reason for bombings concerned Rodriech greatly. Turned out that because of the apocalypse, government officials in many nations decided to bomb their own countries in an attempt to get rid of the infected. A dumb decision but who knows what people would do in this situation. Since Rodriech's house was always secluded from citizens (it gave him a noble, expensive feel to it- and that's how a majority of all nation houses were), they weren't aware of the start of the apocalypse. Life was still as perfect as ever there. They were oblivious to the start of the end of the world... until now.

This Is Where We Fall (Hetalia Zombie Apocalypse AU)Where stories live. Discover now