Chapter 2 Ughh?

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I just really needed to be held by my best friend


After I calm down a bit I pull away from him,

"Thanks Maddix... I really needed that" I say and wipe some of my tears away,

"Your Welcome" he says and smiles cheekily, making me laugh,

"Lets go to Star bucks... I could really use some coffee" he laughs and we go out to my Black and Red convertible Lamborghini. I jump in the driver's seat as Maddix gets in,

"Holy Shit..." he says, "Oh my God... I LOVE YOUR CAR!!!" He screams, making me laugh,

"I knew you would..." I chuckle and pull through the drive through, both of us getting a moche milk shake with extra whipped cream and drove away, jamming out in Three Days Grace... then my most favourite song in the whole wide world came on,

"Your Insecure... don't know what for, your turning head heads when you walk through the do-oo-oor" I sing along while Maddix laughs and starts to sing with me.

We stopped at a stop light as drowning pool started to play, (Yes I'm bipolar if your wandering...) as a bright blue mustang GT pulls up nest to us, it's engine roaring, but I knew my engine could go louder so I put it in neutral and roared it, making the two guys look over at us and smirk,

"Nice car Babe" One guy said, "I bet my baby could outrun your wank of shit..." he says while him and his friend laughs,

"We'll see Mother Fuckers..." I smirk, getting ready as Maddix gulps and puts his seat belt on, and as the light changes, I stomp in the gas, making my tired squeal and take off, clearly out-running THEIR wank of shit. I smirk and slow down, pulling into the pack house as we get out and make out way in,

"So... I haven't been here in a while, so prepare to have a head ache..." I say and walk in, being swarmed by hugs from elders to children.

After about two hours I made my way out with Maddix, driving home in silence.

"Have you found your mate yet?" he asks

"Nope... No mate and not looking..." I say

"Why not?" He asks

"Because it would be to dangerous right now, I'm almost Alpha and all rogues hate Alpha's, and the best way to take an Alpha down, is to take his or her mate, so I'm waiting so I don't put him in danger..."

"Oh... that is wise..." he says smiling, "I miss mine... their isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about her..." he says while I pull into his drive way,

"Her beautiful Blonde hair and blue eyes... almost grey and her beautiful shaped body... I miss her so much..." he says, tucking in his lips I turn the car off and hug him, feeling a pang in my heart,

"Maddix... You have to be strong for her, she wouldn't want you to suffer like this... she loves you and doesn't want you to suffer or carry a burden..." I say as he hugs me back tightly,

"I know... It's just I miss her alot..." he says and pulls away from me.

"I know Em... (M)... but your gonna have to be strong..."

"I will... but I can't believe... I'm best friends with THE Logan Winters..." he says smiling, making me laugh, I then look up to see his house, it looks like the one with that little boy... Blake's house!!

"Wait... do you have a brother?" I ask

"Yupp... I have a twin and three younger brothers... Max is my twin, and Caleb, Cale and-"

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